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When humans suffer from allergies our eyes water, breathing becomes asthmatic, our nose sniffles, and we sneeze exhibiting clear symptoms of allergies.  For dogs, you need to pay close attention to their skin.  Check their fur for skin irritation spots.  Take note if your dog scratches too much or is constantly trying to bite, lick or gnaw at a certain location on their skin.  Dogs suffer from allergies but it occurs as a skin irritant.

Investigate Dog Allergy Causes

You need to make sure you have not changed your dog’s shampoo or bedding area.  Have you added different material sheets or pillow covers to your pup’s sleeping quarters?  Have you switched dog shampoo brands?  Check out all the areas where your dog spends frequent amount of time and you will be able to find out the cause of the culprit.

If the cause is from nature, such as pollen, dust mites, or mildew, then you need to take appropriate measures to fix the issue.  Remove any carpeting that may be breeding mold or mildew.  Clean the house regularly ensuring dust mites do not build-up.  You do not want the allergies to get worse for it could cause your pup an ear infection if not treated properly.

Talk to a Vet

Talk to a veterinarian about how to treat your dog allergies.  Your vet may recommend a steroidal treatment or an at-home treatment consisting of hypoallergenic shampoos, conditioners and/or ointments.

If you still have questions about how to train your pup not to enter certain points of the yard due to allergic reaction to plants growing in that specific area, then talk to a Florida dog training obedience professional or a k9 obedience professional today.

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