


Out growing pet allergy? – Expert Dr. Pia Fenimore (Archives)

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Hi Dr. Fenimore. we are thinking of getting a dog. My son is allergic to dogs and cats. I’m wondering if he spends time around the dog if he would get used to it and grow out of his allergy or is that not really realistic? I don’t want him to take allergy medicine every day just so we can have a family pet. Thanks!!!

You are right … sometimes with small steady exposures the body will almost “get used to” an allergen. In fact, it is on this scientific principal which allergy shots are based. However, there are no guarantees this will work, and there is a chance it will make things a lot worse. However, this does not condemn you to a life with just pet fish. Make an appointment with an allergist and ask them do specific tests to determine how bad the allergy is. If the allergy is not severe or if it is showing signs of improving with age, then it may be okay to get a “hypoallergenic” dog. While no dog is completely dander free, the so called hypoallergenic dogs produce, and therefore shed, less dander. There are also things you can do to cut down on dander exposure, like keeping the dog out of bedrooms, brushing the dog frequently, and placing a HEPPA filter in your child’s bedroom. The benefits of a pet, and specifically a dog, are well documented in children, so don’t give up yet. An allergist can give you more info and you may be a happy dog owner soon.

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