


Dog Food Allergies Symptoms | Dog Food Allergies

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If your dog has an allergy or intolerance to the food you are feeding him, it may be making him miserable.  Is he scratching incessantly, gnawing at his leg?  losing hair, plagued by recurring ear infections?  If so, a dog food allergy or intolerance may be the culprit.

Dog Food Allergies account for 10% of  allergies in dogs.  After eliminating the other possible causes – flea bite allergies, inhalant allergies, consider what your dog is eating.

A dogs diet is so important in keeping him healthy. There are known allergens to avoid in your dogs food. I am in the middle of dealing with a food allergy with my Shih Tzu mix.  I care about doing the right thing for her, but I am also a thrifty shopper and want to choose the best food for the best price.  Which will work best for her?  Raw Diet?, Commercial Food? or Homemade Food?  This site is dedicated to my experience with each.

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