


The allergies of Canine

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The vast majority of humans suffer from allergies to different things, dust, food and much more, and dogs also tend to suffer from this annoying disease.

Canine Allergies

In dogs one of the biggest triggers of allergies are fleas ticks and these are usually very annoying, and its consequences ranging from simple irritation to the skin injuries. The type of shampoo we use for bathing and the food that you eat dog are other major allergenic agents. Dogs often have allergies to agents that are in their own environment, atmosphere fresheners can be any cleaner or floor, So many times we see that our dog even without scratching fleas or ticks curtly.

When the allergy is caused by the food, it’s because it contains substances like protein containing beef that many animals do not do very well, it is advisable to change this food with one that is hypoallergenic and contains no beef origin.

And if we change the food that your pet is suffering from allergies may be the cause that you are allergic to other ingredients such as corn or wheat which are very prevalent in diets for dogs.

Often the allergy is caused by the products we use for swimming, which are not usually the type hypoallergenic, and can have very strong chemicals especially those used to combat fleas and ticks not all dogs tolerate these substances.

It is very important to watch our dog because if symptoms are detected early problems were avoided more serious, one of the most notable landmarks in an allergic dog is a great dog drop is accompanied by skin irritation and therefore a flushing same.

Early detection of symptoms of an allergic attack may prevent our dog is closed airway. In the case of having a dog with an allergy attack that veterinary doctors recommend is a dose of corticosteroids, which applies also in humans for this same problem. If you have a dog with an allergy attack and advanced trouble breathing is recommended in order quickly to your trusted veterinarian.

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