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Common dog ear infection symptoms

One of the best ever domesticated animal is the dog. This can be a great companion at homes as well as helping in hunting. However, just like the human being, the dogs get ear infection. This can vary in severity and if not quickly treated can lead to defenses. There is no need of housing a dog that can not hear you regardless of how well trained it is. It is important that one understands the common dog ear infection symptoms so as to take the appropriate steps on time.

The most common dog ear infection symptoms are the deliberate scratching of the ear or vigorous head shaking. Just like with us human, having a partial or no hearing from either of the ears can be quite discomforting. This is the same to the dog which keep scratching or shaking the head in an effort to clear whatever is causing the inability to hear. It is imperative that one takes the dog to the veterinary while there is still time. A checkup will help determine the cause of the discomfort and give a reliable remedy.

Another sign of ear infection in dogs  is the excessive flow of the ear discharge or even a funky odor from the ears. In most cases, this is usually a condition caused by bacterial infection. This is progressive and can get worse within a short period of time. Severe conditions can lead to sticky medical conditions or the formation of a tumor in the worst case scenario. This can incur one quite a lot of money and sometimes might be untreatable. This can then result in severe complications to the extent of total loss of hearing abilities.

In certain cases, the dog ear infection symptoms are related to certain skin allergies. This is especially so when there is hypersensitivity in the dermatitis and the canine atopy. For the dogs suffering from this condition, they are often found with inflamed ears. This can get itchy resulting in scratching. Due to the constant scrubbing, the ears can develop scabs around them, hair loss, raw skin and crustiness. The ear canal can also get filled with brown wax hindering hearing. The sight of this signs means that the dog has an ear infection. The dog should be taken to the vet for a quick remedy to avoid further infections that can be fatal.

Dizziness and poor balance can also be dog ear infection symptoms. The ear has the body part that helps coordinate the balance. However, due to advanced infection to the inner parts, this part can be affected causing to imbalance. In the occurrence of this progressive infection, the dog starts to walk in circles and frequently vomits. This can also be painful causing it to whimper. The best solution to this condition is taking it to the vet for treatment as soon as possible.

It is imperative that one checks out for the dog ear infection symptoms. Some of the infections can be extremely discomforting to the dog or even fatal. In spite of there being many home remedies, it is imperative that one seeks professional assistance if the condition has progressed.

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