


My Dog is Allergic to What??

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Now that it’s sunny outside and the flowers are blooming all of us are thrilled to welcome the… sneezing? runny nose? itchy throat?

Millions of Americans suffer allergies related to pollen, dust and their household pets! But did you know… fido could have allergies too? But unlike people, their symptoms can be very different! If you’re worried your pup might be allergic, we’ve listed a few common symptoms. If your dog shows any of these signs, you can visit the vet for some ideas on how to help.

Unlike the hay fever symptoms we experience, dogs with allergies generally have skin issues. Itchy ears, stomach and paws are common signs of allergies.

Recurring ear problems is a sign of allergies as well, left untreated this can be very painful for your pooch and even cause his ear drum to burst! Dogs with floppy ears are especially susceptible , make sure to keep them clean – your vet can provide ear cleaning solution to help prevent and treat infections.

A major indication of allergies, food and airborne, is itchy paws. Some pups chew and lick their paws so much that it can cause cracks and sores – the paws can become so inflamed and irritated that your pup might even limp a little.

While we all hide indoors with our allergy meds when the pollen count is high; what can we do to help our dogs? Luckily like humans, dogs can get antihistamines prescribed as well. My dog was scratching so much she was getting scabs under her arms – a quick visit to the vet and a prescription for some allergy medicine later – she was feeling better within a week and stopped scratching her skin raw!

Another thing you can do to help your dog is give her a bath! There are lots of specialty shampoos to help itchy dry skin that can bring some relief.

Finally if your pup’s seasonal allergies are out of control – your pup can even get tested and have a vaccine created to  help desensitize her from the culprit. This is obviously a last resort, since immune-therapy can be very expensive and time consuming!

If your pooch has any of these signs even when the seasonal allergies are mild, the cause could be a food allergy. Much harder to determine but easier to treat once the culprit is determined, make sure to work with your veterinarian to reduce your pup’s misery.

Overall, animals are susceptible to the same types of allergies we are – their symptoms are just different. Hopefully this will help make your summers more enjoyable and allergy-free!

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