


What is pet dander and does it cause allergies?

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Pet dander is very similar to the dandruff that humans produce. Simply put, it is dried skin flakes that leave the skin. They are quite small, microscopic in fact, and for this reason pet dander is very pervasive and is present in any home in which pets are present. Generally, older pets will give off more dander than younger ones, and variable quantities of this dander will appear in different pets and breeds.

Since pets, like dogs and cats, are biologically very different from us, different proteins are used to perform a variety of biological functions. These proteins can come in contact with some individuals and cause them to have allergic reactions. This is because the body will see these proteins as dangerous foreign bacteria and attack it. Though this is the basic principle behind all allergies, the same is true for some of materials that pets can give off.

One of the major sources of allergens in pet owning homes is dander. For example, dogs can produce quite a bit of it. For many individuals, this poses no more of a problem than our own dandruff. However, for those sensitive to allergens, this can be quite unpleasant and can cause these individuals to experience a wide range of reactions. Dander is particularly effective as an allergen because it is so pervasive. Because it is microscopic, when breathed in it can immediately affect the mucous membranes in our lungs. This can cause such allergic reactions as an irritated throat and frequent sneezing.

Dander can also become trapped in porous materials such as fabrics. Even without a pet, these dander particles can stay in these fabrics virtually forever it not cleaned effectively. Pet dander is something that every pet owner must deal with, and proper dander maintenance can lead to an overall decrease in allergens.

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