


Dog skin Allergy

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Ludo has been diagnosed with a seasonal skin allergy.

He had it last year around the same time. Last year we thought it was Flea Dermatitis. However its occurred at the same time of year again (minus the fleas).
Basically it means he scratches/ licks and bites himself in a couple of areas (behind his knees, arm pits, tail) making them red raw.
Could be anything.

So it was off to the Vets for a round of Steroids and Antibiotics. He should be okay in a week or two.
I’ll also keep an eye on his skin and apply whichever is closest at hand,
– Aloveen Conditioner (which can be used as a skin ointment, recommended by the vet)
– Aristopet Antiseptic ointment (smells like teatree)
– Aristopet Skin lotion spray (He hates this one the most as I think it stings him)
– Potassium permanganate (aka Purple bath or Condy’s crystals as an antiseptic. Mix a couple of flakes in water and use to clean the wounds. I find this to be the most effective solution, regardless that it leaves my fingertips stained like a 50yr old smokers)

We’ll also give him a bath every week or two with either Alloveen shampoo/ Oatmeal shampoo or Aristopet Medicated shampoo.

We’ve also started adding in the Blackmores Omega 3 & 6 spray into their foods at meal times, however I don’t see any difference after 3 weeks of use.

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