


Dog allergies help with diet?

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Ok, so I have a dog of four years, five months since she has always been very healthy skin, long hair and all. One day, when I took her to the clinic to become familiar with shower (always does) I forgot to take your shampoo, which he always carried, so just used regular shampoo on the day (which was very fast), he returned to hair around his brown eyes and all around the mouth, and his back red.the next day, when I saw about half the hair on the back was gone and I was like WTF? So I took her to the vet and they said they had an allergic reaction to shampoo (and since that day five months ago, has just gone down) was prescribed a steroid treatment for a dog of medicine that I do not really I know what it is, but it is courageous and one tablet of vitamin E per day.I I finished reading, and she lost the rear on his face red, but brown hair and has always been the redness, then came back so I went up and they said it had issued any food allergies or what they inhaled (she had never seen them) and they said, many dogs develop allergies and things began her shampoo and it is obviously very sensitive and we have exactly the same treatment again but now with the diet (she Turkey / lamb with rice for lunch, and she has her dog food called “special regime” and is hypoallergenic lambskin seat and turkey they toobut it is not really a dog food a lot) ok I went to the States for two weeks (I live in Venezuela) and left with my mother, who told me blush came back and she had red spots and they took her to the vet again and gave him a 21 days 2 times a day from this anti-allergic, what (is in Spanish, and I do not know how I say it in English ) with a greasy material (problem. myself This is a http://comandinasacom/Imagenes/Mirrapel 20Oleoso%% 20 236% 20mL.jpg) and E vitamin.I 21 days of treatment (one week ago) supplemented with anti-allergic (CLORO TRIM Eton, which is the name I know just not what it says), but kept things oil and vitamin because it is supposed to last for 60 days. Ok so redness is gone but it’s been five months and her hair is not coming back, her face all brown, and I live on a diet, but the question is that I had to give Turkey / lamb for dinner, and they are just very stubborn and will not eat dog food! so they just eat all day and I do not think it is sufficient to meet its needs. Can provide one kind of food you know that some of this and that or any other tips for a dog with an allergy treated? Vets here (and I’ll take her to the best) just say the same thing over and over again. This is her before allergy This is a http://comandinasacom/Imagenes/Mirrapel 20Oleoso%% 20 236% 20mL.jpg) and E vitamin.I 21 days of treatment (one week ago) supplemented with anti-allergic (CLORO TRIM Eton, which is the name I know just not what it says), but kept things oil and vitamin because it is supposed to last for 60 days. Ok so redness is gone but it’s been five months and her hair is not coming back, her face all brown, and I live on a diet, but the question is that I had to give Turkey / lamb for dinner, and they are just very stubborn and will not eat dog food! so they just eat all day and I do not think it is sufficient to meet its needs. Can provide one kind of food you know that some of this and that or any other tips for a dog with an allergy treated? Vets here (and I’ll take her to the best) just say the same thing over and over again. This is her before allergy This is a http://comandinasacom/Imagenes/Mirrapel 20Oleoso%% 20 236% 20mL.jpg) and E vitamin.I 21 days of treatment (one week ago) supplemented with anti-allergic (CLORO TRIM Eton, which is the name I know just not what it says), but kept things oil and vitamin because it is supposed to last for 60 days. Ok so redness is gone but it’s been five months and her hair is not coming back, her face all brown, and I live on a diet, but the question is that I had to give Turkey / lamb for dinner, and they are just very stubborn and will not eat dog food! so they just eat all day and I do not think it is sufficient to meet its needs. Can provide one kind of food you know that some of this and that or any other tips for a dog with an allergy treated? Vets here (and I’ll take her to the best) just say the same thing over and over again. This is her before allergy This is a http://comandinasacom/Imagenes/Mirrapel 20Oleoso%% 20 236% 20mL.jpg) and E vitamin.I 21 days of treatment (one week ago) supplemented with anti-allergic (CLORO TRIM Eton, which is the name I know just not what it says), but kept things oil and vitamin because it is supposed to last for 60 days. Ok so redness is gone but it’s been five months and her hair is not coming back, her face all brown, and I live on a diet, but the question is that I had to give Turkey / lamb for dinner, and they are just very stubborn and will not eat dog food! so they just eat all day and I do not think it is sufficient to meet its needs. Can provide one kind of food you know that some of this and that or any other tips for a dog with an allergy treated? Vets here (and I’ll take her to the best) just say the same thing over and over again. This is her before allergy

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