


All About Dog Allergies

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This information is not intended to replace the advice of a professional veterinarian, dog trainer, or other pet care professional.

Like humans, dogs can have allergies that come in many different forms. There are five basic dog allergies that can be caused by several different things. The five basic allergies that a dog can have are flea allergies, food allergies, bacterial allergies, contact allergies, and atopy allergies. There are a multitude of different options that can be used as dog allergy remedies.

In most families, the dog is considered to be a member. It is very important that you find help for your pet. You don’t want to see your dog suffering from allergies any more than you want to see one of your own children suffering from an ailment. I suggest looking for medications online. It can be much cheaper to buy a product online then it will be upfront at the veterinary clinic.

The first allergy that your dog might be suffering from is a allergic reaction to food. Hot spots, hair loss, over excessive itching, and skin irritation are the primary symptoms experienced by a dog with a food allergy. Food allergies can develop over time. Even if your dog has never shown an allergy in the past doesn’t mean that it isn’t suffering from one now. It is isn’t uncommon for a dog to develop a sensitivity to certain ingredients common in dog food even late in its life. The ingredients that dogs are usually intolerant to are beef, dairy products, chicken, corn, and soy. These are all common ingredients in dry dog food. Treatment for this type of allergy is very easy, you simply switch the dog to a hypoallergenic kind of dog food. To find a food that will be compatible with your dog, do research and talk to a your vet. If the symptoms persist then your dog may suffer from a different form of allergy.

An allergy to flea saliva is also very common for dogs. When a flea feeds it leaves behind a small amount of saliva. They are not very much different from mosquitoes and generally cause the same amount of irritation, unless of course the dog has a hypersensitivity to flea saliva. Even if your dog isn’t allergic to fleas having an infestation of them on the dog can be very uncomfortable and is also worth treating. Flea allergies have many similar symptoms. Redness of the skin, scratching, and biting of areas are common. It may even get bad enough that the dog actually bites through the skin and causes bleeding open wounds. If the dog breaks the skin antibiotics will be needed for the treatment. If the dog has yet to break the skin then washing the dog in a cold bath with a shampoo designed to kill fleas should do the trick. Afterward consider preventative measures to make sure it doesn’t get them again.

When a dog actually touches an allergen to its skin it is called a contact allergy. All dogs may be different to many different things. Humans, and all other creatures, are the same way. There are many different potential allergens that a dog will come in contact with on a day to day basis. Bedding is one of the first things your dog may be allergic to. Some dogs are allergic to certain fibers and other textile products. Allergic reactions may also be caused by certain plants. Even plants that are usually not considered poisonous can cause allergic reactions. House plants, plants in your yard and other places you may take your pet are likely the problem. Chemicals and household cleanings products are also commonly known to give dogs allergies. The usually symptoms of a contact allergy include redness on the skin, blotches, puss pockets, and itchiness of the skin. The treatment for this kind of allergy can be very confusing. They can change according to what the dog has come in contact with. Removing the allergen is always an effective cure, but this isn’t always an option. Do further research or contact your vet for help.

Bacterial infections can also cause allergic reactions in dogs. The symptoms almost always appear to be very similar to either a flea or contact allergy. This makes them much harder to identify, however a bacterial infection usually makes the symptoms far more severe. A bacterial infection is usually caused by another health problem however. Something like parsitism or a hormone disorder can cause an allergic reaction to bacterias. Parasitism is caused when a parasitic entity steals nutrients from the dog. The symptoms common to bacterial allergies include red blotches, hair loss, formations that look similar to ringworms on the skin, and pus pockets. Antibiotics are an effective way to treat a dog allergy like this.

When a dog inhales an allergen and shows a reaction it is called an atopy allergy. This is considered to the most common type of allergy most dogs suffer from. If the problem isn’t very severe then than the symptoms will only include biting, itchy, face rubbing, and some minor hair loss. This can also lead to papules, small red uncomfortable bumps on the skin, and pustules. Pustules are lesions that are similar to pimples, which are also uncomfortable. The things a dog can inhale can be found in and outside the house. You should watch out for fleas, dust mites, molds, dust, human dander, pollen, and feathers. A dog can have seasonal allergies to plants or trees just like humans. Chemical products in the house like perfume and cleaning products can also cause an allergy like this. The methods of curing this allergy will vary from dog to dog. Shots of a steroid can often cure this type of allergy. Some sources claim it can even be done with a special shampoo.

Jim Salingzer is an author who often writes about topics such as men’s health, hobbies, and pets. For some of his recent work, please visit Nose Studs and Wooden Chests
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