


How to Spot Allergies in Your Dog

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Thanks Becky O’Neil for this informative article…

Dogs are no different than people when it comes to allergies. Arlington, VA has some of the most highly regarded care providers when it comes to treating an extreme reaction in a dog. You do not have to be a professional to recognize and treat the symptoms of an allergy attack in your animal, however. Most allergens are common in many households and harmless to most animals. But, a dog with allergies will react in an extreme way when contact with the allergen is made. Allergens can be problematic when inhaled, ingested or contact a dog’s skin. As his body tries to rid itself of these substances, a variety of skin, digestive and respiratory symptoms may appear.

The Arlington seasons bring a number of allergens such a pollen, ragweed, various grasses and mold. Some pet owners enlist the help of pet sitting services to pay extra attention to their dogs over the allergy season. Pet sitting services have providers available to administer medication that may be needed and to ensure that your pet is as comfortable as possible when suffering from allergies.

What symptoms should you be aware of when trying to determine if an extreme reaction is occurring in your animal? Look out for Itchy, red or moist scabbed skin or itchy eyes. The back of the tail is also a prime spot for itchy irritation. More human-like reactions such as vomiting, diarrhea and runny nose are also signs that your dog may be suffering. Look out for paw chewing, constant licking are swollen body parts as well. Allergic dogs may also suffer from secondary bacterial or yeast skin infections, which may cause hair loss, scabs or crusts on the skin.

Some types of dogs are more prone to allergic reactions, though any breed is susceptible. Terriers, setters, retrievers, and flat-faced breeds such as pugs, bulldogs and Boston terriers are at the highest risk for extreme reactions. Common household items that may invoke a reaction include dust, dander, feathers, cigarette smoke, food ingredients such as wheat or soy, prescription drugs and flea control products. Also look out for cleaning products, fabrics and plastic materials. Pet sitting services have trained professionals who are constantly on the lookout for potential allergens and can avoid the common outdoor allergens in Arlington.

It may take time and research to discover the cause of the reaction once you notice that one is taking place. Visit your veterinarian and make sure a thorough check up is done yearly as many allergies can present themselves later in life.

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