


All About Dog Allergies Treatment

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When your dog is ill and shows the symptoms of allergy, it is very important to get the right diagnosis. This is the first and most important step in this process of helping your dog. Don’t forget that dog is your best friend, member of your family and someone who cannot help himself. He is helpless and depends on you so give your best try.

Like with everything else in life, only when you know what the problem is, you can fight it. Dog allergies treatment depends on what causes the allergies. As we know allergies can be seasonal-caused by pollen, inhalant-caused by dust mites and molds, food allergies caused by certain ingredients in food and allergy caused by fleabites. There are other allergies too but these are most common. Every of these allergies are treated differently.

When these problems with your dog appear, your first choice for getting information should be your dog’s veterinarian but only if he is a good veterinarian that you trust and that you can rely on. This is important because you love your dog, you want him to be better and you don’t need that feeling that your dogs vet just wants to take your money. You should base dog allergies treatment on facts and on vets experience, knowledge and caring.

Dog allergies treatment of symptoms should always start with most harmless treatments. There is no need to give your dog substances that can be harmful and with side effects. To provide relief to itchy dog’s skin cool baths can be helpful with or without adding salts, or medicated shampoos. You should use medicated shampoos with caution because some of them contain potentially harmful substances. You should avoid them or use them for short period of time.

You should take allergy shots in consideration because they are very safe. The thing with them is that they take long time before starting to show any improvement.

Using steroids should be the last option to help the dog in extreme discomfort. The side effects are serious because they affect the whole body. Antihistamines are very safe for dog allergies treatment and vet should give them in right dosage to work properly. And like everything else this, too, have side effects which is sedation.

Natural anti-inflammatory agents Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are good for dog allergies treatment. However, the best treatment possible is to avoid things and places that your dog is allergic to. In addition, clinical proof that dogs inherit the allergies tells us that, if we cannot prevent allergies in dogs maybe breeders should not breed dogs that are allergic. This is something that maybe we should think about.

When it comes to dog allergies treatment for food sensitivity it is different than with others allergies. In this case, there is a special diet, which is homemade food with ingredients that your dog has never eaten before, for example rabbit or venison. After some time you can add to his diet a chicken and see what happens. If it is ok, than you add some other type of food and if it is not OK and a reaction shows up than you know what he is allergic to. This is good and safe way to help your dog.

As we have agreed to at the beginning of this article, do whatever it takes to help your dog because you are the only one who can do it.

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