


Dog Allergies and Atopy

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In previous articles we’ve discussed dog allergies associated with fleas and food, this article will address atopy, or dog allergies involving airborne allergens. As we’ve discussed before dog allergies can be just as detrimental to your pet as human allergies are to us.

Atopy in dogs is also known as Atopic Dermatitis. If your pet has dog allergies it is likely they they could be effected by Atopic Dermatitis as it is the second most common dog allergy, next to flea allergies. This type of dog allergy is caused by allergens found in the air.

Dog Allergies AtopyThe biggest problem with determining which dog allergies are effecting your pet is that they all manifest in the same way. Atopic Dermatitis like many of the other dog allergies will show itself through similar symptoms. Itchy, red skin is the most common sign that your pet is hypersensitive and effected by dog allergies.

What exactly is atopy? Atopy occurs when your pets immune system overreacts to harmless allergens found in the air. These dog allergies can cause centralized irritation on a certain part of the animals body or it can cause them to have several effected areas. The most common allergens which cause atopy are as follows: tree pollens, grass and weed pollens, moulds, mildew, and house dust mites. These are the same allergens that effect humans with seasonal allergies.

The dog allergy known as atopy is an inherited, genetic health issue. This means that it doesn’t matter what breed or sex your pet is, if their parents had dog allergies, there is a good chance that they will develop dog allergies. These dog allergies will often become evident in your pet between the ages of one and three but may occur later on in life.

The only way to diagnose which dog allergies are effecting your pet is by bringing them to an animal health care professional. The vet can run a blood test to see if the dog allergy effecting your pet is in fact atopy. The blood test will also be able to tell the veterinarian which airborne allergen is irritating your dog.

The best treatment for atopy is to avoid putting your dog in a situation where they would be in contact with the irritants. Many times completely avoiding the allergens that cause dog allergies is impossible, there are anti-inflammatory drugs that can easy your pets discomfort. You should discuss the proper treatment for your pets dog allergies with your veterinarian.

If your pet is displaying unusual behavior or physical traits, you should seek medical attention immediately. Many dog allergy symptoms may be a sign of a more serious health issue. These issues can only be diagnosed by a professional.

If you believe that your pet is suffering from dog allergies but are unsure if atop is the culprit. Find more dog allergy information here.. Flea Allergies … Dog Food Allergies.. Bacteria Related Dog AllergiesContact Allergies..

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