


Canine Antibiotics Used for Skin Infections

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Canine antibiotics are used in treating dog allergies by eliminating bacterial infections that are harmful to dogs. When used in conjunction with other canine medications in treating dog allergies, a canine antibiotic are administered when a dog has scratched his/her skin to the point when it has become raw and a bacterial skin infection has developed. This is typically seen in moderate to severe skin allergies in dogs. When this occurs, the area of the infected skin will probably need to be treated with an antibiotic, which is often used along with a medicated shampoo.

One reason why the veterinarian gives a through physical examination is to check for skin breaks and for skin infections is that if he finds any he/she will then try to determine if the skin infection is due to scratching as the result of a canine skin allergy or if it is due to scratching due to another unrelated condition or disease. Sometimes blood tests may be needed. There are a variety of canine antibiotics that are available for use in dogs with canine skin allergies. Of course, canine antibiotics are not all the same, they are for different types of infection and they work very differently. So it is important you understand the specifics in administering the canine antibiotic your veterinarian prescribes for your dog. Antibiotics have side effects, so it is also important that you know what to look for.

Use Antibiotics Only When Needed

Many dog owners want an antibiotic prescribed every time they take their dog to the veterinarian. Unlike what many people think, canine antibiotics should only be used at highly selected times when they are actually needed. If given too often, antibiotics quickly loose their ability to be effective. That can create a very serious situation when a strong antibiotic is desperately needed but none are found to be effective. This does happen and it is usually completely preventable.

Never ask your vet for an canine antibiotic prescription for your dog and tell your vet you want the antibiotic only if absolutely necessary. Some vets are far too willing to write a prescription even though there is no good reason to prescribe an antibiotic. Some family physicians do the same thing for humans. As a result people and dogs are given far too many antibiotics for mild illnesses that do not require an antibiotic. There is no such thing as taking an antibiotic “just in case.” Either it is needed or it is not. If it is not needed, then it should not be taken. To give an antibiotic when it is not clearly required is irresponsible.

The Four Principles of Canine Antibiotics

Correct antibiotic use is based on four sensible principles of the administration of canine medications:

1. The correct antibiotic needs to be selected for the type of infection. Because it is not possible for the veterinarian to always select the appropriate antibiotic, in more serious cases blood testing may be needed at an early stage to confirm the antibiotic is working. If it is not, then another needs to be immediately started.

2. The proper dose must be given. Look at the instructions on the prescription bottle and follow them carefully.

3. The dose must be given at the correct times. Giving the antibiotic too early or too late can have a major effect on the outcome. It is important to maintain consistent tissue levels of the antibiotic in the body. Timing is very important.

4. Lastly, the antibiotic must be taken for the entire length of the administration regiment in order to correctly effect a cure.

Early withdraw of canine antibiotics by a dog owner, when the infection “looks cleared up,” is one of the main reasons for relapse and secondary infections (sometimes internal) that are usually more serious and more difficult to treat. Therefore, you should never end canine antibiotic medication early without very specific instructions from the prescribing veterinarian.

Canine antibiotics are an important classification of canine medications for treating dog allergies. They are capable to curing a variety of diseases and infections, if given correctly. Sometimes antibiotics may be needed for a lengthy period of time for especially difficult infections. But that is not usually the case. As with all canine medications, canine antibiotics should be used in treating dog allergies only when needed and only as instructed by the veterinarian.

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