


What is a dog allergy spray?

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Many people suffer from mild or severe allergies caused by dogs. This can result in a variety of symptoms, but is similar to other types of allergic reactions. It also goes without saying that dogs are extremely common pets to come in contact with. People’s love of dogs can make many pet owners overlook the allergic reactions they have to their furry friends, resulting in a need for some kind of mitigating agent.

Allergic reactions from dogs are caused primarily by the dander and/or saliva that is either made airborne or contracted through direct contact. An effective means of limiting the amount of dander and saliva one comes into contact with is to use a specially formulated spray or lotion which does a few interesting things. The first is that it is able to neutralize, through oxidation, the allergens found on the dog’s coat. The second is that it is a largely effective means of virtually eliminating mild allergic reactions, if applied correctly.

Most lotions or sprays are applied once a week, though more applications may be necessary, varying from situation to situation. The dog is dampened with the spray, generally after a bath. Many allergen formulas come packaged with shampoos, a very popular method which combines dander control and also allows dog owner’s to get in the habit of regularly bathing their dogs. This promotes the overall goal of the allergen sprays, which is a combination of direct and indirect allergen control.

Many individuals with a pet are forced into difficult and emotional situation when their dog is creating an unbearable living environment. However, with dog allergy sprays, this is not as much of an issue. Many other allergy reduction methods are available, such as allergy neutralizing laundry detergent, regular washing of one’s dog, and making sure the dog avoids areas where the airborne allergies can rest for long periods – such as fabric couches, or other furniture items.

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