


Holistic Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

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We’re all accustomed to the itchy eyes and runny noses that come with spring time allergies, but what many pet owners don’t realize is that their dogs might be suffering as well. Dogs can experience all sorts of allergies, just like humans, thought the most common kind are inhalant allergies, such as pollen, dust mites, feathers, or even human dander.

Symptoms of canine allergies can be tricky to spot, so it’s important to pay close attention to your pet if he seems to be acting unusual in any way. Have you noticed a lot of scratching, licking, chewing, or sneezing from your dog? That kind of behavior might be indicative of an allergy. Dogs dealing with allergies also tend to rub up against furniture or roll on the ground often, and might exhibit hair loss, rashes, greasy coats, or a strange odor.

Even though the notion of dogs with allergies might be new and strange to you, it’s easy to care for your pet at home. Start by giving him a cool oatmeal bath to ease any inflammation or rashes he might be experiencing. This will also wash out any allergens that are stuck in his fur, which can cause a lot of agitation and discomfort for your pet. Make sure you use a good dog shampoo and conditioner, preferably something hypoallergenic or all-natural, to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment. Harsh products will only dry out skin and leave your dog in even more pain.

You may also decide to rinse your afflicted pet in a diluted solution of apple cider vinegar, which will soothe skin and help eliminate the smell, as well as leave your dog with a gleaming, beautiful coat. It might be necessary to repeat these procedures up to every other day for very itchy and allergy-prone animals.

Herbs are another great method for treating your dog safely in the comfort of your own home. Try mixing in small doses of herbs in with food to ease your dog’s allergies. Use alfalfa to treat inflammation. Echinacea stimulates the immune system and acts as an antimicrobial, while dandelions to stimulate the liver, reduce inflammation, and provide many healthy nutrients to your pet.

It’s a good idea to take your dog to the vet for an official diagnosis, which will help you know exactly what to treat. Your vet will most likely recommend supplements or medication, but you can focus on holistic treatments at home, which are far healthier, cheaper, and less stressful for you and your pet.

And remember, a healthy dog starts with healthy food. Proper nutrition is vital in maintaining a strong immune system in your dog, so make sure you’re feeding your dog nutritious and organic meals.

Alleviating your dog’s allergies in a natural, safe way will help you both enjoy those lovely spring days once again, rather than hiding indoors all day. There’s a beautiful world out there to explore – make sure your dog enjoys it as much as you do!

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