


Dogs and Allergies

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If your dog suffers from allergies you know how frustrating that can be. Especially in and around Austin in Texas where three time-zones meet, people and animals can have allergies all year around. It is very difficult to determine what causes the allergies. Even if you decide to invest in testing to figure out what causes the allergies you might never find out. Testing covers only the most common allergies. You think you found the trigger and get the necessary protection for your furry friend and still you are not sure if it lasts. The next season Fido could react to something else. 


Dr. Marty Becker, a veterinarian, wrote an interesting article about that topic at


I love to share my own experience with my dog Nike. Her allergies seemed to go “wild” after we moved to Austin. Before she had only occasional outbreaks; most of the time when we moved to another climate. A couple of weeks ago just after yet another round of steroids and antibiotics to heal skin bumps her allergies started to lift their ugly heads again. This time I declared war and in a desperate effort started to give her a bath every week and wash all the dog bedding and pillows every week. I increased vacuuming to twice a week too. Needless to say that the cheap air filters don’t keep out the nasty allergens. Buy the more expensive once and change them EVERY month!


I am happy to report that, to my surprise, my actions showed success! I am totally amazed … she is still a bit itchy. However with two allergy pills a day (one in the morning and one in the evening) and all that bathing and washing pillows and blankets at least for now I am able to keep her allergy attacks at bay. Talk with your veterinarian if you want to try allergy pills for dosage and brands you can use for your dog.

Closing Thoughts:

I don’t know if all I am doing will help her in the long run. But every medication less given is a success to me! I never thought that sometimes the solution can be so simple. I could kick myself that I didn’t start much earlier to increase baths and cleaning to help my baby!

Your SwissMiss

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