


Dog Breed Allergies | Everything you need to know about dog allergies

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As with humans there is a rise in skin allergies and for dogs we are seeing an increase as well. Veterinarians estimate that one in six dogs have skin allergies and cause mild to great discomfort. There are a whole host of environmental factors that can lead to dog skin allergies such as exposure to harmful household chemicals and cleaners.

Dog allergies are commonly categorized into four distinct categories:

  • Allergies relating to fleas, ticks and insect bites

  • Allergies relating to airborne allergens including grass, pollen and dust mites

  • Allergies relating to certain foods and medicine given to dogs

  • Allergies that are a direct result of interaction with the dogs skin like bleach, Windex, bathroom cleaners

The allergic reaction is display or is noticeable by the sign of hives on the skin and those hives are itchy and often red an the skin is swollen. As with most things the best treatment to skin allergies is the removal of the allergen which may mean a change in diet, not letting your dog out during certain seasons when the pollen is airborne or changing the cleaning products in your home.

Testing for dog food allergies is not an easy task but just like human food allergies the key is an elimination diet. When we are trying to figure out why we are allergic to certain foods we are put on a diet where we have very basic foods that are known to have very few allergens. The same thing applies to your dog. Just like when you r dog is sick or has an upset stomach we give them rice and boiled ground beef. Most common food allergies for dogs are wheat corn and soy and including gluten. Some dogs are also allergic to certain meats as well such as pork and poultry.

Signs that you dog may have a food allergy are excessive foot licking, nipping at body parts and excessive chewing on specific area

This is such a common question – What is the best breed if you have dog allergies? Well the honest answer is no breed is the best breed however there are breeds that those that are allergic to dogs do best with. Not all dogs are the same and not all allergies are the same and one thing to keep in mind is what it is that you are allergic to when it comes to dogs. For many people they see a hairy or shaggy dog and think that dog would be bad when really it is not the fur that causes the problems. For many it is the allergen proteins found in the dogs saliva that cause a reaction. So dogs that bark a lot are not good for those that have allergies. When a dog barks it is spraying tiny particles of its saliva into the air into your home and that saliva gets in contact with furniture and you breathe it in and it comes in contact with your skin. One way to reduce the effects of a an allergic reaction to a dog is to stay clear of them when they bark and do not let them lick you. Beyond that there are certain dogs that are better for those with allergies and one breed that I highly recommend are Schnauzers. We have friends who have a Schnauzer and all but one person in the house is allergic to dogs but does very well with having a Schnauzer. Again he key thing is to not let the dog bark excessively or let the dog lick you, especially on the face!

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