


Common Cat and Dog Allergies: Part I

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By Karin Krisher

cat-dog-allergiesDogs and cats, like humans, have allergies. Because our beloved animals can’t tell us what they think is bothering them, it’s up to the responsible pet owner to recognize and avoid common allergens, and to respond appropriately during those times our pets do have reactions. This two-part blog post will highlight some important facts about cat and dog allergies and help you begin the process of dealing with them.

The most common pet allergens are similar to the most common human allergens: trees, grass, weeds, dander, dust mites, feathers, prescription drugs, fabrics, mold spores, and the like. Other possible allergens include cleaning products, insecticidal shampoo, cigarette smoke, fleas, fragrances, and often, food.

Avoidance is obviously the first line of defense against an allergic reaction. Know your dog is allergic to a certain fabric? Leave it out of your design plans.

Of course, you don’t always know. And even when you do, there are some things we can’t avoid regardless of effort, like dust. But recognizing signs of allergies can be a great way to determine what the allergen is, and to help you deal with it quickly and effectively.

dog-allergiesCommon signs of an allergic reaction in a dog or cat almost always involve skin health. (Other tip-offs include breathing and gastrointestinal issues.) Itchy, red, dry, flaky, oily or damaged skin might indicate an allergy, but the type is up in the air; even food allergies usually manifest as skin issues in cats and dogs.

That’s why we should all be hyper aware of our pets’ general conditions. Is your dog literally always itchy, since birth? You might just have an itchy dog. (I was an itchy kid; I have no allergies.) If you notice your cat only experiences breathing issues in springtime, a seasonal allergy may be to blame. If a single fleabite causes weeks of itchiness, it’s a good indication your pet is allergic.

And if your dog suddenly develops redness or flakiness or is experiencing an odor issue you’ve never noticed before, it could be time to see a vet to determine the cause of the allergy, which can be achieved with a dermatological or blood test. In the case of a suspected food allergy, the process can be lengthy, involving an elimination diet and several follow up visits.

Next week, we’ll discuss the most common and probably irritating of all allergens: fleas. We’ll talk about identifying the difference between a fleabite and a flea allergy, and steps you can take to deal with your pets’ reactions with as little fuss as possible.

Has your pet been an allergy sufferer? How did you find out? Share your story on our Facebook page!

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