


Bacteria Related Dog Allergies

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One of the less common dog allergies is bacterial allergies. Bacterial allergies occur when your pet becomes allergic to harmless bacteria that they are exposed to on a daily basis. Much like other dog allergies, if your dog has bacterial allergies you may notice them constantly scratching themselves. Dogs with bacterial allergies tend to almost constantly rub their face and body on ruff surfaces such as carpet. You may also notice some moderate to considerate hair loss. Animals with bacterial allergies tend to chew and lick their paws to the point that they may be harming themselves, this is all due to an uncontrollable itching sensation. You may also notice some swelling and even sores develop, these sores may also have an unpleasant odor. Animals with dog allergies may also have a runny nose and red, irritated, itch eyes. A more sever symptom of bacteria related dog allergies is chronic ear ear infections.

dog allergies bacteriaThere is some good news, unlike other dog allergies, bacteria related do allergies can be cured. If your pet is displaying any of the symptoms listed above you should immediately take them to a veterinarian. If your pet is diagnosed with bacteria related dog allergies, the vet will suggest medications to treat the issue. This medication will only be taken for a short period of time after which you pet will return to normal and no longer be effected by dog allergies.

When your pet is suddenly effected by bacteria related dog allergies it is often caused by high levels of stress. The symptoms that come along with the dog allergies will often cause even more stress, making the situation worse. Pets can often sense what their masters are feeling. If they sense that their owner or owners are stressed they themselves may also become very stressed. This may cause a chemical reaction in your pet that can bring on a allergic reaction to certain bacteria.

Unfortunately, not only do all dog allergies, such as flea or food related dog allergies an Atopy, have almost identical symptoms but they can also be symptoms of a more serious condition. In order to ensure your dogs safety and well being you should have them examined by a veterinarian. Only then can you be sure that your pets problem is actually dog allergies. Once diagnosed with dog allergies the vet will instruct you on how to cure or alleviate your pet’s physical aliments.

For more information About Dog Allergies, have a look around the site, you will find information on many other types of dog allergies, such as, flea allergies, dog food allergies, Atopy and Contact Dog Allergies.

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