


Allergy Testing | Dogs with Allergies

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I just found this article and thought I would pass it along. I keep reading that intradermal skin testing is far more accurate than blood testing for food and seasonal allergies, so I’ve been snooping around and came across the article. It covers blood testing and intradermal testing and is very informative. I contacted the veterinary dermatologist in my area and here’s what I found out. 

Exam is $ 140. Allergy Test is $ 257, performed in office in about 20 minutes. Your dog will be tested for 60 different allergens that are specific to the region. Sedation isn’t always required, it just depends on the dog. They shave a palm size area on the dog to inject the antigens into.  You dog must be off of all allergy medications. No antihistamines for 1 week, no steroids for 2 weeks, no injectables for 6 weeks. You get the results at the same visit, and can be sent home with your allergy therapy injections that same day.

I had both the girls blood tested, it seems easy enough and can be done at your regular check up. It think it was around $ 200 for our testing. It would be interesting to see the difference between the two tests, but I have two dogs with allergies, so that would be a bit spendy. Weigh your options and do what’s best for you and your pup.

I hope the article and the testing info is helpful for those of you who are thinking about testing your dogs for allergies. Here’s a link to find a veterinary dermatologist in your area. I also like the fact that the article mentions ruling out parasite and fungal infections before deciding to test for allergies. Give it a look when you get a chance and let me know what you think.  Hope you’re all doing well.


Dogs with Allergies

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