


How to care for senior cats

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Just like humans, cats are also old and become seniors. For a cat to be regarded as a senior, must be about 8 to 12 years. As the holder of a cat, it is your responsibility to look after the health and general well-being of your pet. This applies especially if your cat becomes higher, because just like humans, such as cats grow older will require special love and care. It is on you to make sure your cat lives a happy and healthy life while approaching the twilight years. Here are some tips that will help about how to care for senior cats:
When you get older, cats would make sure their health slowly deteriorated, therefore it is imperative that your cat always to be a veterinarian on a regular basis. As cats grew up, also become more prone to conditions and disorders such as arthritis, diabetes, heart, kidney insufficiency and dental problems. With regular veterinarian visits, you can quickly find if your cat suffers from health conditions.
Most cats have grown, it is necessary to verify the consumption. For cats suffering from medical conditions, you may want to consult a veterinarian and see if the cat you may require a special diet plan. Senior cats can actually benefit from a highly palatable diet because their sense of taste deteriorated may cause loss of appetite.
Exercise is another important aspect to consider when it comes to caring for senior cat. Most cats will probably remain in the old location and sleep all day, which can lead to possible obesity, lack of exercise. Obese cats are more susceptible to diseases such as diabetes and heart problems. So, make sure your cat Gets the daily exercise needs.
Mobility, or lack thereof is another problem faced by older cats. This is because it is very likely that may have developed arthritis. In this case, the least you can do is to make living space for your cat to be more accessible and comfortable. Examples of this building ramps, providing a soft bedding, placing food and water on the floor and so on.
As we all know cats are very good when it comes to funding themselves, but as they grow up will not be able to clean themselves correctly as before. A can that is not properly groomed may run into some health issues later. So, make sure you regularly clean your senior cat such as brushing the coat of arms, the cleaning of the teeth and ears.
When caring for an older cat, you will need a lot of patience and dedication. Senior cats have disabilities, so also will require special care. If you run into difficulties or problems, and then make sure you consult with a veterinarian immediately. Cat parent is your responsibility to make sure that your transitions well at cat senior years.

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