


Review SureFlap Mk 5 latest version

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As probably the biggest seller SureFlap microchip cat flaps are well positioned to give you an honest and objective review about the new version last SureFlap that has started in January 2011.

The main benefit of the new SureFlap over the Mk5 model Mk4 in terms of our customers is that the latter model has a draft excluder you will appreciate if your cat is fitted front directly into a port cuisinein a bitterly cold day.

A main reason why so many people are seeking to upgrade existing 4 way locking or magnetic flaps on a front cat microchip is for security reasons. I just didn't realise I was doing so many households have problems with aggressive toms forcing and spray everywhere or just your favorite thieving moggy's food. The new wings cat microchip offers the best in security, as they will only allow entry for cats that want to enter, read the unique microchip implantation. An issue with the SureFlap Mk4 was that the door was a bit slow so that the new latest version SureFlap has a faster locking mechanism, which helps prevent tailgating by other cats.

One point worth mentioning about the new locking mechanism is that it is quite noisy and scare your nervous cat, where is my cat SureFlap at home took us at least 10 days to realize that it was safe to move the latch away and slightly noisy.

The new battery SureFlap is still operating and battery life was a factor which concern us, before we decide to sell them, however, it is now 6 months after we installed our own and continue to work on the same set of batterieswaiting for them, for venting so that we can test the battery life!

Many people who are looking for a front cat must receive a microchip decision to purchase the Pet Porte SureFlap or perhaps being recognised as the leading brand, so that the new SureFlap required to perform if they were to take some market share. Pet Porte certainly has much more features than the most recent version of the new SureFlap as it has no record selective, has no functioning VET and neither has a night mode. Most cats are victims of road accidents since the times of the dark isn't having a night mode is an important factor to consider before you buy the latest version SureFlap.

If you are looking for a reliable, but basically microchip cat front, then this should definitely be of interest as it is a reliable choice, we have sold large numbers of these through our website and we had very little after sales issues to address.

Totally honest with you, the main issue we have with the SureFlap is the fact that it is only very small, front entry/exit will allow only a small to medium-sized cats, so if you have a large cat then you should examine the Pet Porte is greater. We had very few returns from customers who do not read the details about setting the size of this on our website both for those who need to know the size of the aperture is 145 mm x 130 mm (5.7 x 5.1 "). The good news, but I know it is working on a new version larger though this can be very shortly before it reaches the market.

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