


A cat can lose weight by reducing the intake of food?

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Cuddly cat you are overweight? Your wits end trying to understand what should I do? Can an overweight cat lose weight by reducing the amount of food they eat? Yes, your cat loves all the food you provide. I do feel happy and well fed, an original and companion for her. But cats have a similar medical conditions to what people have, and obesity is one of them. A cat always lose weight by overeating of course not. lose weight by doing exactly the opposite. An overweight cat lose weight from fewer calories than you burn. day by day.

Can you love your cat? Therefore, more than likely that is a silly question. However, what is not a silly question. It is because you are damaging your cat? In many respects the cats is like others, whom he did not like people are in their choice of food, or how much they consume. Simply put, most cats will eat and give them if they want that particular type of food.

Therefore, it is not your fault that the cat is fat, is yours. Sad, and as difficult as it may be for you to hear, there was never a cat overweight in the history of the world, until they became pets to humans.

You have some idea of the health problems that your cat will begin to suffer as a result of overeating?

Firstly, you can start with the fact that they will not live long, which is certainly something you don't want. Secondly, their hearts will not work as it should. Thirdly, it is not less than breath and do not feel like doing normal playback cats. Fourthly, the joints will not work properly, as they get older, and who could develop arthritis. Fifthly, it is still possible for a cat to develop diabetes due to fat.

Every single fat cat problem above can cause massive veterinarian bills, medication costs and expenses, sky-high food special.

If you love your cat really, and we know that you can do, and then you will be helping your overweight cat lose weight. The first thing you can do is to stop eating any food "people" at all. In General, "people" food is not good for them-it is for individuals, and not cats. Secondly, in pet stores and supermarkets today, there are an abundance of natural foods and Super healthy cat. You must select one of:

1. Read the labels to make sure your possible options provide balanced nutrition: 40% meat protein, fats less than 14% and 18% carbohydrates. Less is best with carbohydrates.

2. compare the serving size.

3. compare the ounce calories per gram.

4. the purchase of a small amount of the cat food that provides 100% balanced diet with less calories.

Because a small amount? Cats can be and usually is, a rich-particularly when it is least convenient for the owner! Cats can and will die if they do not like the food offered. This is not the way to your cat to lose weight!

Abrupt changes in food and food styles are dangerous. need very gradual changes. Weaning your overweight cat food by entering another one is an issue all by itself. Take a gradualist introduction. Replace your habit of free food to offer smaller portions of 2 or even 3 times a day takes a gradual transition.

Let us hope that the above information is beneficial and both you and your cat will live longer, healthier and happier because of it.

I have two overweight cats who I love dearly. One has developed chronic urinary condition that requires special food. The other is gradually arthritis. I do not want anyone to experience anxiety, or the VET bills you through. I would like to have the plain and simple solutions and reasons years ago that I found.

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