


What you should know about your new kitten

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A kitten, a pair of kittens or an adult cat can be a wonderful addition to any home. Kittens are playful, very lovable and self-sufficiency as the oldest growth. Former "only dog" people usually are quickly smitten by the sort of new pets. Getting a new kitten is easy, especially during the spring when animal shelters are overrun with unwanted kittens. And animal shelters are a good place to start your search for the newest member of your family, because the kittens and cats are normally found with updated their shots and healthcare. In addition, spaying or neutering is normally included, along with a verification mark. And, of course, the best reason for getting a kitten or cat from your local animal shelter is an animal that a loving home, and what can be better than that?

Many people may not know these facts about cats and kittens.

When kittens are born, and for the next 3-4 weeks, the mother is the sole provider of food. That is immediately after birth, when the new-born kittens begin to suckle milk mother flows in sufficient quantities. During the period of nursing, is extremely important that the cat mother be given sufficient food and water to produce an adequate milk supply for bedding. Milk, calcium and phosphate in kind of bone powder and a few drops of cod liver oil must be added to the daily amount of food the mother cat. After Cat mother stops nursing, food intake should return to its pre-pregnancy diet. However, some experts suggest the removal of all fluids from mother for 24 hours after receipt of the kittens away.

New-born kittens both gender and nearly all tribes is approximately the same weight, usually around 90 grams on average. In the coming days 7-10, kittens to double their weight, and to add, on average, 100 grams in weight each week thereafter. By the end of the second month, kittens should weigh around 1,000-1,300 grams. If you notice that a kitten is not sufficient emphasis, wins a trip to the VET is in order immediately so you can quickly determine the cause, corrected while the kitten continues to grow.

Kittens normally go by the mother's milk in normal food during the week 3rd to 4th. If you notice a different behavior or nervousness among the kittens or make efforts to trace the nest or to start to purr loudly, this may be a red flag that the mother's milk is no longer available in sufficient quantities and kittens are hungry. Start by filling out the nutrition of Kittens with 2 teaspoons of a mixture of dried milk powder with an average content of butter be diluted with hot water and a pinch of sugar or honey once a day. Contrary to what you may believe, cow's milk that is sold from the grocery store is the best choice. Increase the teaspoon of liquid mixture than one teaspoon every few days. Now that the kittens is 3-4 weeks old liquid mixture should consist of the consistency of dough. The aim is to take the kitten to lick the food. Do not ever mash the kitten a person in their diet. This is not just frighten them, but I hesitate to bring a plate of food or milk after that.

After being able to lick their food from the plate, start offering boiled meat which has sufficiently cooled. Creation of small balls of meat and place it gently on the kitten's mouth if you do not receive their own. Do not stop giving your kitten the mixture of milk. As the kitten that continues to grow, and until only foods for cats, it is important to continue to provide them with the mixing of milk in order to reach their growth potential.

If for any reason, the mother of the kittens is not available in nurses of spawn, the first choice should always be to find another breastfeeding mother cat. If a breast-feeding mother cat can not be found, it may be your only option to feed the kittens artificially. This requires more research, and should seek a VET's advice.

Kittens and cats make excellent pets. Proper diet for your mother cat and kitten will ensure both healthy and long life.

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