


The five most common Cat problems and their causes

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Living with cats will mean cat problems in some form somewhere. In any case, the first thing to consider is the cat's health. Changes in the well-being of a cat can often lead to changes in behavior. Other problems with cats is often a reaction to changes things cats find it stressful. Problems with cats is often more pronounced with cats adopted from animal shelters.

Cat problems can have serious causes. Abuse may have an adverse effect on the personality of a cat. In many cases, to obtain such a cat reliability requires extra patience and assurance. But it is very constructive.

It is important to be prepared for the kind and amount of effort may be needed to win the friendship of an abused cat. There is nothing worse for a cat from an unprepared person who has to restore the refuge. This exposes not only the cat extra stress and another instance of rejection, but many shelters put cats that are difficult to implement.

On the other hand, it is important to remember that what we consider cat problems can only be natural behaviour patterns. It is a good idea to be familiar with the feline personality to avoid misunderstandings. Attempting to bypass the feline character will not lead to good results. If the status of someone in life cannot accommodate natural behavior for cats, it is better thanks to not adopt a cat.

But it is possible to avoid or to get a handle on the existing problems of cat. With appropriate training, can achieve a compromise.

The five most common cat problems are:

-prevent litter box
-scratching furniture
-It's too noisy
-food/digging up watering houseplants

After the Elimination of health problems as a possible cause, you can explore further as to other possible causes. Interestingly, many problems is some form of anthropogenic cat. Let's see some examples.

Many types of cat litter and litter boxes are designed to appeal to human customer. They cannot appeal to cat quite so much. Or the litter box is kept in a difficult position. Cats like to as far as possible from the dishes of food and water, away from drafts and to allow them some privacy. Some cats do not like to share with others. A new litter box can solve this. Even the most conscientious cat person may be stressed and forget to clean the frame. The cat just might have reacted the way we react to filthy public toilets by going somewhere else.

Scratching also is a normal activity. Clipping the claws to minimize the need to scratch. The absence of proper scratching posts can give cats an excuse to take out furniture. To postpone further cats, non-toxic smells like that can be applied to furniture. Can also help the peace of mind to keep valuable pieces of furniture in a cat free room.

People who complain about cat scratching and biting often have brought this on themselves. If it is fun or serious, should be strongly discouraged, but politely. Over time cats will come to understand that such behavior does not get what they want but is ignored.

Similar to previous problems, practice male cats have trained their blackmail man to harassment. Constant, ignoring it is the only way to finish. But this requires patience. The cat will never be punished physically or go without something that really needs.

Eat grass and other plants is another unpopular but quite normal habit. A truly will not be happy about the prize orchids eaten or masisoyn. Also unpopular with humans can be very dangerous. By providing safe grasses (most are safe, but it is vital that the previous investigation), and keep dangerous plants and precious cat long, danger and damage can be avoided. Citrus and eucalyptus essential oils can be applied in the territory to discourage pile.

This article shows that many problems cat is relatively simple to administer. But in some cases required far more complex. Do you intend to discuss this article in the future.

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