


Pity the joys and the belonging of cats

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Acquisition of a cat should not be really big deal. This is the way it was for the first ten years after having acquired a free beautiful furry white alley cat. He did not know much about the care of cats, although they had cats in my parent's House, just enjoy them as a child.

The alley cats, is a fairly Hardy bunch. These can be fed the wrong stuff and still survive. Very little VET care is vital to most of them. They get a few more cats are no big deal. Perhaps, if you do not fall for pure-bred breeding cats. Their needs with the cost of the CAT, well that is the way it was for me. All the years I have shared my home with cats, more expensive ones were the only documents.

Even so, I'll still keep acquisition of bred Siamese. Okay, this is closer to a dog without the barking! Is love to talk, and you can perform in a conversation with them for a long time, depending on who wants to quit speaking first. Is the love for the fetch and will bring the game back to you, if you choose to do so. It is always with their own conditions for the game. As always, you know what you do and if I happen to talk or on the phone, they will be there. Can be annoying as young children sometimes, but for the most part is very dedicated.

But it broke my heart, ah yes, many a time. Many times we have Sat in the Office of vet worrying about what was going to tell us. A chronic nasal infection that finally after shipments of medicines and many meetings, ended with major surgery. Blood transfusions and had never will blood clot and died. It was completely smitten with that cat from the day that we see. It is 20 years and still I get overwhelmed with tears, when I think about this.

Then, there was a kitten born with an avalanche of hernia. It was not expected to live and still survived in the forecast. But it was a rocky road for that. He had surgery at four months to repair the damage and the VET was shocked to find the intestinal damage when it opened the abdomen. He survived for nearly two years without problems. One day she got violently ill. The previous surgery caused a lot of scar tissue and cause serious problems. With surgery again and survived this episode but oxygen health was now on a downward spiral. Had acquired asthma and had front and rear for vet in order to find the right medicine dosage for that. Then it got really bad about 4 months before his seventh birthday. He was a specialist and in the process of treatment, but I found the dead on the floor one morning. He died the day before her birthday.

Another cat was sick one morning and Helena to VET and found to have renal insufficiency. Morning and evening were back and forth to the emergency VET and care for the next four days. Survived ever to come home.

Okay, I have yet to say happy Siamese I had no problem with the two I have for four years. Sure hope this trend is maintained.

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