


Persian Kittens Teacup-setting the record straight

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You can ask for. ..What is a teacup Persian kitten??

Different breeders Persian Teacup cats and kittens have a different descriptive terms to indicate smaller lines that operate within their cattery.

In an attempt to educate you about what the Pint size pixie Persians will have dedicated this page to clarify exactly what Tea Cup is Persian cats and why have the terminology "teacup" over the years.

First, let me clarify ... "Persians Teacup" is a descriptive term, not a category. So please, don't buy into the false ads or unrealistic expectations of what size could be fully cultivated will look like.

Many Persian breeders will use the word "teacup" as a marketing ploy to sell land, when in fact the ONLY color category that really has earned the title "teacup" is the silver and Golden Persian family.

I found this hard way years back when I bought myself a Blue Eyed Autostereograms white Persian glass of water ". He grew into a huge 15 lbs and had to take a pet home, because they were too large to be developed in any of my cats. Myself to play White Persians for over 20 years ago should know better, but got hooked on the idea would be very small, as the creator said.

If someone argues that it has a white Persian, Himalayan Teacup Teacups or your teacups bi-color can Bank on the fact it is not a trusted location for your money.

So remember ... teacups Persians must display a SILVER or GOLD in their body classified as a teacup Persian.

Just to be absolutely clear, I am not saying that with a silver or White Gold with white is not their small silver or gold key is must be visually the cat to classify the "cat Teacup".

GEGONoS: there is no SUCH THING as a teacup Himalayan!!!

While breeder cannot guarantee the adult size of each color that you can be sure if you have purchased a silver or gold you are within the lower overall body structures can carry a cat.

I think the Golden Persians are often less than silver medals from many, but not certain.

Normal size Persians and Himalayans are usually quite large, cobby and muscles.

Normal size female Persians or Himalayans balance around 7-9 lbs.

Normal size male Persians or Himalayans balance from around 8-12 lbs.

The Persians silver and gold are just naturally smaller cats, but in no way are they grouped or categorized as a "breed or size category" known simply as the smallest and most petite Persian feline family.

Silver and gold Persians usually produce approximately 4-6 lb. female and male around 6-7 lb.

This is not an exact size chart, but merely a guideline to keep at the forefront of your mind when considering a "teacup Persian".

The overall structure of the bones and Golden Persian silver is usually more diminutive than your regular sized Persians and Himalayans ... not to say that you can't get an occasional small framed Persian or Himalayan than other color categories from time to time is just the silver and Golden is better known for continuously producing these small framed against the Persians.

The Persians Teacup is every bit as sound Horn and inelegant as your normal size Persians have only a smaller Building.

The Persians Cup of tea (at least those produced here in our cattery) is pure and not crossed with another breed to accomplish them, of course, small body shape/size, cobby.

Persians Teacup are usually higher in price, not so much because it is smaller in size but because their coat colors is that the most expensive design categories.

The Persians silver and gold have long been known for, and referred to as the "Royals Royce" Persian world therefore should wait for more detailed price labels when shopping for a teacup Persian kitten.

Teacup Persians have a relatively small color selection to choose from: silver, silver shaded Chinchilla, Chinchilla, blue shaded Golden Chinchilla silver.

ULTRA SPANIES Designer Tea Cup Chinchilla Golden colors: Blue, silver and white, gold and white, and blue Chinchilla and white, red, cream cameo factory Shell Shell cameos factory.

Please note: Because silver medals and Goldens (Teacups) is smaller and thinner should never be allowed to leave the creator's home until at least 12 weeks old!!!

All ethical cat breeders imposed age approval for all Persian Kittens teacup.

FYI-all silver medals and Goldens are born very dark then Lighten with age. We have achieved their true coat of arms and the color of the mesh that is 2 years. I hope this has clarified the "teacup Persian cats" and of course smaller sizes on this page.

"Start with honesty to build confidence" .... It is our philosophy.

Please keep in mind if you are looking for a smaller pot, will most likely want a silver or gold Persian. However, it is important to remember .... It is not "thumbnail cats" is simply known as the most petite and small framed.

Visit our Teacup Persian kittens for sale page to see what we have currently available.

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