


Cat scratching problems-what are the available measures?

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Having trouble finding the right solutions for your pet scratching problems? If so, are you among the millions of cat owners that had the cat scratches on sofas, tables, cabinets and other furniture pieces.

Cats are the traditional, beloved, cute and cuddly animals. Suitable pets, not only for children, adults and the elderly. Stress and relieves and prevents you from getting joint disorders, such as cough, flu and colds.

They are great pets to keep. Is love to cuddle, play around, purr and sleep. Despite the benign attitude, their behaviour irritates your scratching because sometimes expensive damage couch, carpets, furniture pieces and your antique table.

Like any other cat owners scratching around, is a common problem to share and have difficulty to find a solution. Before you follow your search for the best option around this, you must know the first reason cats scratch.

Why do cats scratch?

Scratching is a natural character that have cats. Signal their presence to other cats and to claim the territory. The scratch to remove old and dead cells from the tooth and to intensify their nails. It is also a form of exercise to strengthen their muscles and tendons their paws. The scratch only in limited areas, such as the litter tray, hunting area, sleeping and playing areas. Some of them scratch at visible areas such as sofas, blinds, windows

There are several solutions available to you, select those alternatives that you think best suits your needs and without risk to the health and well being of your pet.

Solutions to address the problems their scratching
Pofeykta de is the easiest solution all the more painful method of your cat. In this process, your pet must undergo surgery to remove the last tendons on their paws. However, animal rights organizations and veterinarians are not amenable to the move because it is inhuman and physical and psychological effects on cats that last a lifetime.
You can buy a scratching post for your cat to. You can find various options to pet shops and stores. Place them in areas where they sleep, eat and play around. These positions allow not only for the scratch, but can stretch and exercise as well.
You can also make them toys to play with in order to prevent flaws in different areas of the House and furniture pieces. In this way, give them enough time to play around, to keep them mentally stimulated, exercise and enjoy. There are various games appropriate for your cat.
You can also cut the excess nails regularly for reducing damage to furniture. Find used for nail clipping, while it is still at an early age. You give treats after clipping to reward them for their submission.
You can cover the fields of furniture, where they scratch, film, plastic or aluminium sheet duplex. Cats like, usually when their paws to stick to something and what produces sounds.
You can place dissuasive measures such as bitter apple or orange peels in appropriate areas.

With these measures in hand, now you can prevent or minimize cat scratches on furniture pieces.

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