


Why love cats cartons?

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Any shape or size, you want to ...

If you have a cat, there is a good chance that if you ever have a cardboard box on the floor while they are around, once activated your back, was inside, or at least trying to get through. It's like some unwritten (because they have no thumbs) CAT law that if you see a box, you must get inside at all costs.

This phenomenon is universal strange cat too, such as videos of cats from around the world have seen daily on some Web sites that display all shapes and sizes, is the jump to chewing, and the bare heaps close to all kinds of cardboard boxes and are trying as a safe cracker to enter.

Recalls them when they were born

One of the best explanation is that the chances of your cat, was born and spent the first weeks of life in a cardboard box. This means that every time they see a paperboard or cardboard smell for the rest of their lives will automatically associate with their mother, siblings and a feeling of comfort and joy of playing with their brothers and sisters.

Cool and dark

Cats love cool dark places (not a Jazz Club). Is the love positions where they can feel safe and secure place where nobody can see or get them without their say so. Boxes offer a kind of false security, but for a cat that can seem like a secret cave to hide in. You may have seen them clambering into closets, or sleep under blankets on the bed, this is all part of the same thing, which are places where it is hidden in darkness.

Scent Spreading

A new framework for paperboard is also like a canvas fresh scent for your cat to paint his own smell. I've noticed him rubbing his face in each area in the home. This is because the glands in the mouth is where Gets the personal scent by and when it encounters a new place (box) to your home immediately will want to get the smell to it. Archive boxes, removal boxes, any moving boxes ... the House is not only important to him, as he wants to benefit.


You just may see this as an opportunity to have fun. You may continue to relate to the fun with their brothers and sisters when they were born, a frame is a curiosity with holes and dark places to hide, great fun and jumps to the people and pretending to hunt.

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