


Causes of hair loss in cats

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Cats are susceptible to many diseases, if it isn't used correctly. One of the health problems that cats are likely to suffer from hair loss. The loss of hair in cats that call as Alopecia, and can result from many other underlying health conditions. Cats tend to shed hair magazines. This is normal, but any other type of hair must be demonstrated that a VET and proper medical care should be given to the cat.

Some of the common causes of hair loss in cats are highlighted below:

When cats have fleas, obtain an allergic reaction to the bites. This can lead to hair loss in patches. Also, the bites will catch the cat to scratch the same result further hair loss.

Mites can cause hair loss also to cats. Some cats may develop a skin condition called draft when the cats are not treated by the mite. The cat ends up chewing to relieve the itch which it manages.

Ringworms may result in loss of hair around the legs, face and ears. The loss can be seen in the form of small patches and the underlying skin appear dry, Tiropita and grayish in color. Usually, this has been observed that young kittens and cats is a long time thanks to more prone ringworms.

even cats can suffer from hormonal disorders. They can cause hair loss, often symmetrical, and occurs on both sides of the body. Some of the common problems seen among cats is a hormonal ypothyreoeidismos, Cushing's disease and hyperthyroidism.

If a cat is suffering from take a sterile knife, then will keep licking site from abscess to alleviate pain. The constant lick may result in loss of hair in the affected site.

Cats suffering from food allergies also can lose their hair. Usually, when the cat is a kind of food is allergic to, can cause itching. This implies the cat scratching itself and causes a loss of hair. Still suffering from allergy and pollen or dust mite, can cause itching and eventual hair loss.

hair loss can also occur between cats are stressed, anxious, nervous, constantly afraid. Many cats who suffer from these psychological problems, and this can lead to a situation known as psychogenic Alopecia.

If you notice your cat's fur loss and think it is unnatural, it is better to take the cat to a VET to get a diagnosis for the loss of hair. After diagnosis, the VET will be able to prescribe the medication that is required in order to prevent further hair loss. Also, once the underlying problem is health, hair and regrow your cat will look like this is used for.

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