


An honest look at the Cat Genie

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Owners of one or several cats find sometimes frustrated and tired of cleaning every day the same old regular litter boxes. Litter box cleaning work is cluttered and it may be preferable even if they wait longer to clean it. However, the task has to be done somehow, right?

In this case, there are automatic litter boxes, pet shops, stores, and many online stores to buy. A great brand can enjoy effort is the Cat genie. The genie Cat litter is a framework that cleans itself. To clean the cat litter are automated, or you can start the process of cleaning by yourself with a click of a button.

What makes the Cat Genie so great?

As said before, this is an automated litter box, which means that your deal with litter box cleaning yourself. This is correct. most of the work is all about you! Is all that you need to change the bedding again when the time comes to go to it.

The best thing is, however, that you won't have to change the bedding as often as the automated system cleans out the litter many times before you have to change from.

The purification process

You can customize the automated litter to clean whenever you want too. There is an option to where this will clean the litter from each time you use your cat is final. Now, you can select a timing option where it clears only certain amount of times per day. Last, you can press the button for yourself whenever you feel that is necessary for bedding to cleaned.

What happens during the process of cleaning the litter box is that it will be filled with water in waste water which makes it easier to clean the poop deck. Once it is full of water then evacuated, and then your bedding and bowls will be sanitized with accompanying special sanitizer. Once this is all pure and dry with built-in heated Dryer. That is all! This is clean, without having to manually cleaned

How can I expect to pay for one?

For a brand new Cat Genie, I would consider to pay around $ 350. Of course, all this depends on where you can buy in. The older style can cost about $ 100 less, or perhaps even a cost may be used on that many. What you should do is to look online for the best deals when you are ready to buy your Cat Genie.

Read online reviews about customer service, and to make sure that you will receive a quality product from a good and trustworthy vendor. Overall, the Cat genie is probably the best automatic litter box that is currently available in stores.

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