


How to deal with litter box accidents

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Probably the most annoying problem I have is with your cat litter box. It is known fact that litter box accidents are the main reason that some owners will abandon their cats.

However, there is normally some underlying reason as to why your cat refuses to use the framework. So before you give for your pet should first check some of the main causes for this problem.

One of the main reasons that your cat will refuse to use the litter box is because the frame is already polluted. Some cats (mine included) you will use only once and then prefer that this be cleaned after each use. This can be a very time consuming task, but it is also a very quick fix of the problem. So if you are experiencing crashes try getting into a routine flushes any time your pet is used and you may find that this solves the problem.

Another common problem with litter box accidents you have several boxes is for cats in your household, for example if you have 3 or 4 cats must have one frame for each one. Cats are very territorial and wish to have their own space as well as their own.

Another problem could be the type of bedding you are using and the size and shape of your litter box. If your box doesn't have a cover your cat will probably feel safer in a closed box. If you have an older cat or kitten but perhaps a small, struggle to get in the box, if it is a closed. Try to watch your pet when it uses the litter box, you may find that there were problems inside and outside the box and a change of framework can solve the problem.

Also, check the type of bedding, you can use, your cat may not like the smell or texture of the litter. Some people who prefer to use the litter away scoop that unites together when used, however, some cats do not like this type because they are walking to their paws. Some bedding is also a lot of dust, which again your pet may not like it.

If you have tried all the above advice and still having accidents, could be that your cat has some health issues that are causing the problem. It might be time to take a trip with your veterinarian to check that there are no health issues that are causing the problem. Often the cats have bladder problems and urinary tract infection infections is prone to accidents. If this is the case, your veterinarian can prescribe medications to help your pet.

If your cat is sick or has stopped using the litter for any reason, you may find that your cat returns to the old ways by habit. It is really important that if your cat have an accident, that clean up the area very carefully to get rid of any smells that may remain as your pet's case marking their territory and not only do not want to use. Often, this happens if you have more than one cat in the household or if your pet has a new home.

When you find the reason why your cat is having accidents usually you can find a solution. However, it may take a lot of time and patience, but this is much better that your pet's overthrow very Favorites.

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