


Abused cats-what you should know about them

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You see a cat in the field of the e-mail, perikaiontai or severely maimed? It is sad to learn that there are abused cats out there. Cats who were abused physically takes a little time before they can respond to a natural human touch or call. Finally, we will respond positively to the kindness that you can display. However, the situation is different if the damage suffered internal or emotional. This is more difficult to solve.

If you have been abused emotionally your cat, the waiting time to respond to every call or love can take longer than if the injury was only natural. You must extend your patience because the cat is still confusing. May be hesitant because it does not know whether or not you hurt it. Fear is still present in the system. What you have to do is to allay the feelings that are not light and force to come to you. When you do this, you can begin to come a little closer and you sniff. Let us do that. Then after a while, slowly and gently pet it. In time this will realize that there is someone who should be afraid of and will you trust.

Refrain from shouting or using disciplinary tools such as water guns and flyswatters with cat. It will only further trauma. If the cat is mean, this can only be a defence. In fact, the cat to what means may not be a bad thing because it still gives a reply form to you. The worst thing is if your cat has become lethargic.

If a cat has been abused and refuses to respond to anything you can do, it won't play, nor accept handles, and then the cat is a lethargic. Approaching this type of cat, should bear any other cat as a companion. Eventually, the lethargic cat will want attention. If it does, you should speak slowly and gently pet it. The confirm that it behaves much better.

Using slow, gentle movements is best for a lethargic cat, because it is still in a trauma. Once it is to you and allows you to touch, means starting to recover from the trauma. It may take a little time to recover. This is normal in this kind of situation. Just give some time. If you take a crude treatment such as hearing voices raised, the cat will become upset and maybe to hide again. If we have the cat abused correctly, this will overcome the lethargy. But as a lethargic cats should be ready for a long healing time is not easy to heal. The problem stems from within the trauma caused by the abuse.

Unlike the average Dieter cats, scamper away cats just by one person. Never use strict discipline in the Middle, as cats are going to get only angrier. Do not make them feel trapped because they reacted negatively. Gently push to come to you. Needs time to convince people to come to you. In time, it will calm down and go to you.

Cats too can be abused. It is regrettable that something happens brutal innocent cats. If a cat do something to annoy you, remember that sometimes this is only because it was the cat's instinct to do so. Sometimes annoying things that makes a cat is also a product error disciplinary actions made by the owner. If a cat do something to infuriate you that twice or thriambologisw about what to do about the situation. Not immediately resort to violence.

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