


Six proposals to prevent furniture scratching cats

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Feline scratching is a fundamental activity. There is no way to live with cats and deals with scraping some form. The trick is to prevent cats from scratching furniture and redirect their attentions to where it's ok to scratch.

1. the first thing to stop cat scratching furniture provides at least one scratching post, many would have been better. Cats as stretch and scratch after sleeping or eating. It is reasonable for a scratching post in order to be near the cat's food bowl. Cat trees provide a number of activities at the same time feline. Cats can scratch and climb the rest of them and even use them as observation posts.

2. may also help reduce the need for cat scratch, retaining their claw tips cut off. After each one of the reasons why cats scratch is necessary to get rid of too long claw tips.

3. Retaining the alone is another way to prevent furniture scratching cats. Boredom and lack of exercise can lead to frustration and silly ideas, which often take the furniture. Playing actively with the welding process promotes cat and cat removes the excess energy. Creating a comfortable near a window can provide intellectual stimulation for the absence of human.

4. Yet another trick to prevent furniture scratching cats is to change the texture of the element. Normally cats decide everything for scratch is based on how he feels in his paws. Strip that can be very effective. Duplex tray and bronze or plastic sheets can be used for this purpose. But this method is recommended only with cats does not chew or eat even inedible things. When this is a problem that citrus oils or eucalyptus can be applied to objects that are threatened with extinction. The oils are non-toxic, but will keep most of the cats at a distance. (Avoid tea tree oil!)

5. when they're caught in the Act, an unstoppable cats scratching furniture with a squirt of water directly or a shout. But cats are smart. This will not prevent them, in the absence of humans.

6. a new invention, soft vinyl claw caps, can help cat owners in their efforts to prevent furniture scratching cats. Many happy customers testify to the effectiveness of this method. Although it should be regarded as a cat's personality may play a role in the success.


Some readers may be wondering why declawing surgery is not recommended as a method to prevent furniture scratching cats. Here is why:

Declawing surgery cannot be compared to a cat's claws because cutlery is more than nails is a human. The surgery itself is significant, with a long and painful recovery period, such as claws are direct extensions of the bone. Declawing is actually amputates the last common of a cat's foot.

The format when retrieving a cat will have surgery no alternative to continued use of injured paws. There will be a high risk of blood poisoning from digging under litter, not to mention excruciating pain. Cats are very sensitive to the pain, just as all the senses, anxious, even if they hide it as much as possible.

Claws are an important part of the anatomy of the cat. Serious deformities of female changing paws. Both you and the primary mechanism for defence, nails, will cause a cat to a very great disadvantage when facing enemies or predators.

It has been reported that a cat's personality changes after declawed tags due to products imposed restrictions. Unfortunately not all professionals recognize that further side effect.

This brief overview should demonstrate sufficiently why is a cruel choice. In particular, it is also illegal in many countries, and where there are many veterinarians refuse to run.

A genuine cat lover would not resort to mutilation of their furniture. Of course, you need to protect valuable antiques. People only can be much more house proud; apart from the author of this article.

Preserve precious objects for free rooms and cat using one or more of the above proposals will produce the desired effect.

If all these solutions is not enough to reassure some people that they can prevent cats from scratching furniture, there are still ways to interact with cats and make them good. Most people have at least some friends with cats. It is very pleasant to do friends friends cats. Sponsorships cat reputable charities are another great way to help cats in need of furniture and keep safe.

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