


How to protect your Cat from upper respiratory diseases

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Feline upper respiratory diseases are usually occurs in animal shelters or anywhere restricted many cats. I was very sick kittens where this condition for several weeks. They had a runny nose and eyes, very aggravating and had diarrhea. Had to go to a VET several times and take antibiotics to get rid of it.

Bacteria and viruses are guilty over respiratory diseases in cats, Feline herpes virus as erpito?o koi 1 or chlamydia infections from reovirus, and other viruses. Often cats with a weaker immune system than other diseases such as feline leukemia have often repeated upper respiratory infections.

Most times cats will recover on their own without medication. But, to be on the safe side is always a wise choice to visit your veterinarian and make sure that the disease is not something more serious. He or she can run tests to determine if your cat has immunity or not, from this or any other diseases.

You can give cats supplements to help the immune system? Yes, you can. Cats get stressed very easily and can be prone to disease if their immune system is not up to the point of moving, a new child or the person who lives at home, sensors, a problem within the family can all cause stress. Sometimes even moving a piece of furniture to emphasize them. Giving your cat a supplement will strengthen the immune system along with a healthy diet. A cat's diet should consist mainly of meat, fresh, if possible. not dried food. Cans is best, but if you can work up to raw. Over processed petfood generated an increase in pet sickness during the past two decades. Today, things like diabetes, respiratory diseases and leukaemia, once rare is quite common. Cat supplements, such as plant naturopathic remedies contain ingredients that normally would eat in the wild to get well. Herbs such as echinacea, astralagus milk and Thistle emblems repeat vertically down to mentioning some types are now available for your kitties.

Your cats also need plenty of fresh water for the health of their urinary tract infection, kidney and broadly. Many cats do not like the tap water-try distilled or you can buy an inexpensive filter tap. Cats are hunters and love exercise and play, even if your program is limited to 10 minutes your cats per day of your time. Love and exercise strengthens the immune system and your own!

Rebecca Shelly is a regular contributor to natural medicine sites as an alternative to hard drugs. Visit the natural antioxidants for more information on supplements for your cat.

Natural Pet health is a site that discuss some of the most promising natural health treatments for pets on the market today. Therefore, if you are looking for pet food supplements to maintain or improve your pet's health or alternatives to harsh medicines for your pet, visit for more information.

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