


Are feral cats safe keeping?

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There are so many feral cats in this world that need a home. There are many who are afraid, because it is of course very leery and may become aggressive if cornered, threatened or imprisoned. And who can blame them? Most of them have never been houses (which is the definition of the wild cat, which had no human contact) and not treated very well by people who came into contact with. I have had many cats over the years. Currently I have 26 cats, most Feral. I'm at the point now where you can pet most of them and require attention and contact me. I would say that this has not been easy. Take an enormous amount of patience to get a Feral Cat to trust you and you accept. But it is one of the most profitable things when I do. So, Yes, Feral cats are safe to keep. Just take some time and attention at first.

The first question about the cat safe is your fear that diseases have Contracting? The good news is that many diseases which cats download is not harmful to you. Some, such as rabies, however, so be careful. the obvious best solution to this question is if you can trap a Feral Cat and that vet for a complete checkup. Sometimes this can be simple, if you can get the cat to go into a kind of Havahart trap. It is long and narrow and placed at the end of food. There is a metal plate that cat on steps near food and this closes the door. It is very human and from there your vet will have its own way quickly and sedating the cat to do check-out.

However, there are many cats which do not fall for this. These are not stupid and knows, somehow, this is a trap. If this is the case, should be prepared to win the cat until you can get them to go to a carrier or some other "Trapping". This is where patience, patience, patience comes in. Feed the cat every day at a certain time (or twice a day) and can be removed. Do not try to touch them or interact with them for a few weeks. Then you can try standing off at a distance while eating and watching them off the corner of your eye. Then, try to move a little closer to their sturdy and near (but not too close). This process needs to go slowly and can take months. Finally, are you hoping to get to the point where we would stand only a foot or two of them. The most important thing is to act natural around them, not like you're not waiting to pounce and grab them! As you can see, it can be a long process, but if you have a love for animals, like myself, is well worthwhile.

Back to safety. During this whole process must be careful. You do not want to be bitten before you had the opportunity for a VET to give them a good physics and some tests. If the cat is acting in a normal manor (not counting the hissing and growling) and has no obvious indication of injuries, this is a great start. Just watch out for anything unusual or excessive drooling like a lethargic attitude. Once you get to where they let you pet them, continues to be careful until you can get to the VET. Overall, I had very few of my being sick and ferals have been asleep. So do not feel that feral cat is automatic or sick patients, but use common sense and be cautious. When the day that rub against your leg and you want to curl in your lap, you will feel a great sense of accomplishment. I was a helpless, homeless cat who never had a human to look after them, and turned into a friendly, loving measurement.

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