


Cat psychology-understanding how your Cat thinks

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Cats are not like dogs. If you have a dog, it is perfectly obvious what it feels like you have ways to make very clear. However it is very difficult to read a cat of the mind and to know exactly what this feeling is. Cats are by nature solitary creatures and independent, unlike the dog is an animal pack (as is the man!), so that the psychology of the CAT remains a mystery to us.

If your cat has suddenly developed a behavior problem, little understanding of cat psychology could help to resolve. Here are some suggestions

The most important thing that you should understand is that cats do not develop problem behaviors to their owners. If you suddenly start to attack you, refuses to use the litter tray or your furniture, shreds it makes this harassment so any behavior, the problem should not be taken personally. There is an underlying cause for the behavior, and it is up to you to understand this!

Also, many of the behaviors we don't cat is absolutely natural to your cat, such as scraping claws. We have to understand that this is "bad" behavior so that it is extremely unlikely to be able to train them off. It is a bit like someone tells you that it is no longer allowed to cut or file your nails! You should resign yourself to get your cat that is much more preferable to sharpen her claws that new scratching post instead.

Understanding cat psychology will help you understand why physical punishment does not work on cats. Do not have the same people thought processes. If your cat urinating on catch your new carpet and hit, this will apply urinating on the carpet with impunity, this will associate the punishment with you. You have in mind all of a sudden attack and physically hurt for no reason, and will be wary if you again. Cats have long memories and will not forget any ill-treatment. If you hurt your cat, you will need to work very hard to regain confidence.

It would be far better way to stop this kind of undesirable behavior can make a loud noise when you catch your cat urinating where you don't want to be, such as clapping your hands or constantly shouting ' no '! If it learns that whenever she urinates on carpet Gets a fright, should decide not to do so.

Cats thrive on the routines and if there is less change in this routine can easily succumb to stress. If you have made changes in your body, recently something so relatively small to having a change around your furniture, your cat may find it difficult to customize, and this is where the behavior problem can be developed. Cats also suddenly stopped, something that is routine for many years, as previously preferred food consumption or to refuse to use the litter tray. There could be any reason for this-for example this may have been surprised by a sudden loud noise when using tape. You will need to think like your cat to determine a solution, such as moving the tape to a safer location and provide plenty of reassurance.

Sometimes you may never get to the bottom of your cat's routine changes and may only need to be adjusted, for example, change of diet to one that will eat.

If you are having real problems with your cat's behavior, it may be worthwhile to ask for advice from a trained cat psychologist.

You are experiencing problems with your cat shredding your furniture? Behavior problems are becoming a real headache? Drop by our blog for tips and resources on how to deal with the most common issues for the preparation of the cat. Visit also to discover the one thing you should never do when training your cat.

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