


It is an annual check-up of your cat really necessary or simply the VET a waste of money?

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Our cat's veterinarian wearing many different hats, cat is our family doctor, dentist and optometrist. As owner of fellow cat know how expensive your VET can get charged overtime after just a few simple routine and necessary vaccinations. However, taking your cat to the VET for a check-up annually could help reduce a Bill potentially high VET in any health problems you may have your cat.

As with human health issues, many cat health problems have a clear specific symptoms. Since our cats cannot verbalize their discomfort, these symptoms help for cat owners warning of disease of cat and the cat can require a visit to the vets. Important points, such as your cat is not eating hard to fail, but with our busy lives filled with tasks, preparing meals for ourselves and our families, social events, and accounts can get overlooked a symptom as the cat is not your regular ski runs.

One of many benefits of your cat's annual examination of your veterinarian is that they will not make a physical examination, but also questions about the level of activity your cat's litter, and eating habits. These questions will give you the opportunity to consider your cat's daily behaviors and sometimes reveal a health problem, these questions may also disclose a problem of Health concluded merely as a problem behavior or only one of your cat's personality traits. For example, a cat urinating outside the litter can be seen as a behavior problem, when in fact symptomatic urinary tract infection. Another example is a cat who sleeps all the time and still seem tired even after sleeping, yes every cat owner knows that cats love to sleep, but I just don't sleep too much cat is a cat who loves to sleep, but it could be a sign of diabetes.

Annual can help you locate a health problem, "cat" in the earlier stages. Early detection can reduce the negative impact of the disease and costs associate with that disease. Depending on the disease, as a result of early detection, your VET may be able to prescribe a medicine that will quickly address the problem, but if left untreated could become a more serious problem that requires more intensive expensive treatments.

Without also left an illness seen your cat requires and later emergency services, this can be very traumatic and expensive for cats, and depending on the procedure, almost double what I pay you regular veterinarians.

Please note that as important as is the annual monitoring until the owner awake cat notices changes in behavior of the cat is priceless. Some diseases simply cannot wait until the annual check-up as? the kidney disease, and therefore requires an observant owner may notice symptoms which may present the cat. An annual review and the owner awake cat is a winning combination when it comes to maintaining healthy your friend.

Kerry-Ann and her husband were cat owners for 20 years. They have two beautiful, healthy cats, aged 18 and 2. They are also the creators of, feel free to follow them on twitter, enjoy tweeting with pet owners.!/cathealth101

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