


As a rule the roost cats

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' Missy ' has come into our lives our twilight years "– as a mature" neutered "survivor's fault-separated but family saved, however. A kitten was not a preferred option this time. We need a point of feline ' kill ' was immediate ... will make only a fully grown, marauder, silent, scrubby experienced mafiosi-type.

Rats and mice is eating us out of House and home, as apparently generous (but not in reality and, indeed, quite bitterly) see the chook food and pasture seed and calf milk powder. Our dog, Muffin, valiantly to overpower the enemy, but it was beyond the capacity to nullify xefrenis attacks. Simply could not only ... both Missy and joined combat forces. with great gusto and serious success.

We were avoiding the ' cat ' option for many years, because of our beloved feathered friends-that enable our happy song every morning. Couldn't handle the thought of a cat stalking our beautiful little blue Wrens. You know them? FAT, round fluffy little bodies with extremely large tail feathers, which twitch and enable more expressively-and the male is the brightest blue ... as the Thunderstorm, shimmering summer sky.

We couldn't handle the thought-UP-to the traditional ' Aviators ' decided to attack the rear of the 10-year Mercedes-Benz saloon extremely useful-our favorite ... and not only offensive, you understand ... but actually fertilise the mirrors and doors, roof of the car and engine bonnet! Add a growing attack food sparrow/chook, it was ALL too much. Missy was a welcome wildlife Warrior.

Today, the good news is that some birds have lost-but many rats and mice is their Maker meeting as we speak (did he really create them?)., and even better news is that both the cat and Missy Muffin dog, only to kill and eat Not. ...who choose to leave our back door to prove they are the bedding. (This bit ' proof ' is somewhat questionable in terms of ' best ' table etiquette goes ... but good ah-h-h. .. dead mouse is the best mouse ... to us!)

Missy cat actually ' rule roost ' on two of the great outdoors ...And indoors as well (more on this topic shortly!). It has everything, but if the "Raiders of the lost ' Roost, while fully understanding and respecting the inalienable rights of the" laying hens ". Chooks and cat alike, seems to have developed a fine ' translation ' of their shared ' Boken-boks ' and ' myriad ' miaows. Talk to them when this is not the cool cat, with much variation tone and innuendo. I can't vouch for the language of ' netting '-chooks are such (quite expressionless, I've found) is aimed at the eyes-and cats eyes can become quite stable and tigerish when ' at work '.

The chooks certainly ' to ' that is at the heart of the mind, and Missy's unblinking barely definable belly-dragging stalking. And they also take a break with the ' dead '. I think it is as a lover of chooks can be.

And the "great indoors"? What can I say? Missy's staff, seniors-years; in ' pet ' experience '. and questionable Wisdom to endanger children and pets. We thought two movers and shakers "mature/will allow a cat to take all the best seats in the House (the table every day-dining, lounge, and in bed in the bedroom Master!) on the mat in the bath, when less space is occupied Will not seriously believe this, of course, is also a cat-owner/employee.

Cat's view is that it is simply what is right and accessable! Haven't you noticed how you heave yourself again, just when I had installed comfortably on your favorite chair. because the cat wants to go ... now! -or in the back ... now!

And how else you can react to these furry tyrants who dominate your life? You have a "melt down", where the passion and purr while as you hold yourself in amazingly awkward postures to keep them comfortable-don't you think? The medical explanation is that stroking a pet dramatically slows the heartbeat and blood pressure. The cat-loving human explanation of Kingdom. "Just because!"

However, you choose to look at, you must agree-cats rule the Roost (indoors and out).

c 2011 Christine Larsen All Rights Reserved worldwide

You don't need to try to imagine Missy cat-you can view the full profile-

Miss calculations ...

And my ' Journal ' entry on this sometimes-cats rule

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