


The cats see in color or black and white?

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For years, and general consensus was that cats saw the world in black and white, and did not have the ability to perceive color. Recent research has shown evidence that suggests that cats can have great vision color after all. Now it is believed that cats can see different shades of blue and green, but other colors are all perceived as we see them. Cats have only two types of cones (photoreceptor cells) in the retina of the eye responsible for color vision. There are three types of cones and cones are missing cats corresponding to red. People have three, allowing us to perceive more color and intensity of the color. It is believed that cats have a limited capacity to discern the difference between red and green at all-which is actually a form of color blindness, also found in humans.

To answer the question simply-no, cats do not see only in black and white, but appear to suffer from a form of color blindness-.

While people were certainly cats beat in terms of looking at a Sunset, the vision into other areas is much higher than ours. While they have less cones in their eyes, have more rods-making their eyes more suitable for the recall motion by color, and more appropriate to see at night. Cats are hunters by nature and skill perspective provides excellent tools for this. Cats can detect any minute motions too far, and hone their with in a way that couldn't even hope to do.

Cats are also fantastic night vision, due to its eyes for brightness control to their advantage, needing very little light to see. A cat is needed only one sixth of the amount of light in human needs to see. This is accomplished as cats have what is called a lucidum-within the eye. The lucidum-(meaning "bright tapestry" in Latin) is just behind, or sometimes within the retina and reflects the light that passes through the retina back into the eye, stating that the cat a vastly increased ability to see in very faint light. Is this-reflecting light back, which sometimes causes a cat's eyes glow in the dark to appear.

The cat also improves the night vision of the very large pupils. Cats have pupils ' hand, instead people have round pupils. This elliptical design serves to protect the cat's eye from a very light, as cats are not 100% as most other nocturnal creatures with large pupils. Figure hand allows pupils to dilate and contract more sharply and faster than a student of the round, to adapt to different extreme amounts of light in the environment.

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