


Got Catnip?

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What is the catnip anyway? What it does to your purse so stupid? Why do you choose the cat toy cat to play with the aroma of catnip before any other game?

It is a flowering plant Catnip (Nepeta) is dried and packaged, often sold as a game of cat, but more often used inside the cat games. Cat game manufacturers often use to improve their games. Homemade cat toys are usually stuffed or supplemented with a poly fiberfill and yup you guessed it, catnip. It is sometimes referred to as "cat pot"!

You can grow your own catnip or cut right in your Herb Garden. It is very easy to grow and is a perennial plant so that when you have a well-established plant will not only thriving but in reality each year will be multiplied. Leaves your home grown plants can be dried in a microwave or dehydrator for your fur baby joy. After the leaves have been dried they can be stored in air-tight bags or containers for future enjoyment from your purse. You'll find seeds in the vegetable section of your local Garden store, but caution that any cat in the neighborhood will frequent your garden. When you see the window with the garden, it is not surprising to see a cat or two rolling around the plants, and grinning from ear to ear!

Catnip or Catmint, have an effect on cats makes them happy, elated, excited and fun. While usually has no effect in adult cats, kittens go nuts for it! Most cats are crazy about it! Each cat has a different reaction in fresh catnip, some cats are said to eat a hole in the carpet, which was filled for them. This may in fact be sprinkled sparingly the food occasionally. To make sure it is thoroughly dry before storage in air tight containers to prevent forming mold. If the moisture is evident in any of the stored bags, discard and begin again, drying the leaves.

If you choose not to grow your own, be sure to find quality grown catnip in the USA for your cat. Store it in a zip lock bag or a container that can be sealed to preserve the freshness and give a little pot each time. Still, you may need to hide the container so pot will not try to change this!

Use of catnip for cheer your cat is a great way to entertain yourself as well. Tracks only silly reaction fresh catnip cat will keep you laughing and kitty will love you for it.

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