


Causes, symptoms and treatment for infection with urinary tract infection Cat

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It is now one of the most common cat health problems in pets urinary tract infection. While the cat urinary tract infection contamination is often a serious problem, can make a serious if not detected in its early stages. Understanding the causes, symptoms and treatment of this problem should help to avoid serious consequences.

Causes of infection

There are several reasons why cats suffer from urinary tract infection. The most common one is the diet, particularly when it is high in magnesium as the same could cause kidney stones in cats. Kidney stones are another popular reason cats contracting this disease. Dirty litter boxes can also lead to infection of urinary tract infection cat while maintaining clean ones will reduce the risk.

Stress is another common factor that can lead to urinary tract infection contamination of cats. Many causes of stress are due to changes in the environment or diet. In addition, it is interesting to note that the cat urinary tract infection contamination is more common in males than female cats. This does not mean, however, that does not occur in females. Age is another factor in this situation and cat owners are advised to regularly check for feline kidney disease after the pets turn 7 years of age or older.

Symptoms of infection

Common symptoms of infection with urinary tract infection include cat urinating in all places outside of the litter, especially bathroom sinks, drum, tiled floors, etc. Cats with such infection tend to urinate in the oddest of places. Secondly, the pain or strain while urinating is another common symptom along with an unpleasant smell and sometimes bloody urine. Excessive thirst, coupled with excessive oyrisis is also a common symptom of feline kidney disease. Inactivity and excessive itching of bladder by cats is yet another symptom of this illness.

Diagnosis and treatment

Proper diagnosis is essential for the treatment of any health problem cat. In this case, your pot of urine should be tested correctly to exclude other problems and isolating ITU. Treatment for ITU includes a primary course of antibiotics, which may be followed by a change in diet.

Hopefully this article helps in your understanding of the symptoms and for reasons of cat urinary tract infection contamination and helps in treating it effectively. It is also important to realise that cats usually have a high tolerance for pain, and usually do not show symptoms. If you are unsure if your pet has been infected with this disease, you may want to bring this to the VET immediately.

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