


6 Common Cat health problems faced by owners of Pet today

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If you are an existing owner or getting a cat kitten in mind, we must understand that similar to humans, cats too prone health conditions, some of which are common while others are more strict. It is essential for the well-being of your pot immediate and effective treatment and understanding of the common cat health problems and symptoms will allow you to care for your cat in a more responsible manner. 6. the following article lists common problems encountered today by the cats.

Cat Hairballs

As cats clean themselves, is often prone to hairballs. These are conditions that occur when the cat swallows hair balls that are thrown from their bodies while they are in the process of purifying themselves. This is a serious problem when it goes the intestines and causing a blockage, which could result in the death of the CAT.

Fleas and mites

If you allow your cat to venture outdoors, often, you must prepare yourself mentally for the day when the fleas contracts, especially those that cause anemia or tapeworm egg. Another common problem in cats are mites, occurring in their ears. When you see your cat scratching and shaking the head too, it is likely that he has mites.


Roundworms and tapeworms contamination is also two common cat health problems today. Roundworms often lead to vomiting and diarrhea in cats and tapeworms can cause irritation to the skin, especially around the anus. Regular de-worming is essential for cats to keep away from these disorders.

Urinary tract infection

Cat urinary tract infection contamination is more common among males, although females can affect cats as well. It is a condition where cats must pass excessive urine, either in quantity or frequency. Cat urinary tract infection contamination is also characterised by an enlarged bladder and requires immediate attention.

Kidney diseases

Cat renal insufficiency or renal insufficiency is also a common occurrence in cats, which require immediate attention to prevent further problems, in particular the death. Increased thirst is one of the symptoms of renal failure in cats.

The mesh or respiratory diseases

Bronchitis, chronic nature, and asthma are two common diseases in cats. Cough is a common symptom of chronic respiratory diseases in cats, and requires attention from your VET.

While these are currently only a sample of some common cat health problems, pet owners are advised to maintain a face for the above symptoms and ask a vet, if necessary.

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