


Flights with your Cat-airline approved Cat carriers and GENERAL RULES for traveling with your pet

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If you travel by plane and you want or to take your pet with you, there are few rules and regulations that your cat and your body will need to meet, so your friend of the animals be accepted during the flight.

The first thing you should do is to make arrangements for your pet in advance by calling the reservations department your airline; This is because only a certain number of animals in the cabin. This number can change depending on the airline, for example, American Airlines accepts up to seven animals in the cabin per flight, while AirEuropa accepts up to five animals per passenger, but did not specify the total number of pets allowed. You should always call your airline to know the specific regulations for the organization.

Another factor to be taken into consideration is that some airlines will not accept some breeds of cats in their flights. American Airlines does not accept Burmese, Persian, Himalayan or exotic Shorthair cats. Some other features of your friend are considered for admission in flight: the cat should be a certain age before they can travel, AirEuropa, requires a minimum age of 10 weeks, while American Airlines requires that your pet must be at least 8 weeks, some airlines will also require a health certificate for your pet to be accepted for carriage in the cabin or hold baggage.

Your carrier cat should also comply with certain regulations, some General for each airline, and some specific. The first thing you should keep in mind is the comfort of your friend? Why and the haulier must be sufficiently large for the cat to stretch, lay down, sit and stand up and be comfortable, you must have enough space for two different water and food bowls should be linked to security and that can be replenished quickly, without any possibility of your cat escape, the carrier must have a small bag of food for a period of 24 hoursIf there are delays.

The carrier must also have sufficient ventilation for your pet to have a comfortable flight. You should buy a carrier with ventilation on both sides and the back door to avoid problems. The Kennel must be made of wood, metal, plastic or a similar leak proof material. Weight permitted for the sum of the pet container must not exceed a specified amount, which is approximately 8 kg pet travel in the cabin or 45 kg pet for a traveling as checked baggage. The dimensions of the carrier may vary among carriers, allowing American Airlines long 19 "x 13" wide x 9 high and other airlines using similar proportions.

You can drag more than one singular cat carrier is the range of pets between 2 or 3, but this is nothing more than a single hotel. However, the animals must be comfortable and safe, so it doesn't matter if there is more than one animal in a carrier, as travelling under good conditions, and to have sufficient food and water for all. Another thing that you need to know is that no airline allows pets to leave the carrier during the flight.

Finally, a closing note, always remember to call your airline to make sure that you are complying with all rules and regulations which may vary for each company. Remember that the advance preparation for your friend's tour will help you to avoid last time to interview and be more comfortable knowing that your friend has also worked with the best possible way your trip.

Esteban Bernechea Ph.d. student is industrial risk analysis at the Universidad Politecnica de Cataluna in Barcelona, Spain.
If you are looking for information about cat carrier or airline approved cat carriers you can visit the following links.

Cat carriers
Airline approved Cat carriers

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