


Why a cat behave the way they are

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Everyone loves bringing a small kitten origin, but some of the unusual behaviors of a cat can be challenging to understand. Use these information cat behavior facts to help you decode your feline behavior.

Cats purr for many reasons, they purr when they are happy and when they are in pain as a way to calm down yourself. It is something that they did when they were kittens to leave the mothers know was alright and nearby. They also purr when they are in labor.

Scrubbing of perfume and spraying

This is the territorial behavior. Unneutered male spraying that females do not. Male, if these haven't been neutered in time, will continue to spray. Spayed females may mimic male behaviour, but have little scent in spraying.

When your cat rubbing against your leg, Hello.


When a young kitten, knead in the mother's nipples to stimulate the milk. Cats don't seem to rise from this behavior so that it can be set up on your lap and to knead and zone out with pleasant manner. The moggie is satisfied.

Hypocritical behavior

The first step in the hypocrites is the female cat goes into heat. Males smell the scent from kilometers away. She is meow and howl to the outside, and then squat and arc of low back in front on the ground and back-end upward. Many men are able to mate with her, and she can even have kittens in the same litter from a different father.

Eating grass

Cats eat grass to vomit and expel the hairballs that are created during their stomachs by washing themselves and swallowing hair. If a cat does not have access to grass, sardine oil occasionally to help with hairballs.

Food consumption

Domestic cats have a relaxed style of dining that depends on the availability of food. If you care to properly, it will eat small amounts frequently. A cat has a very strong instinct to hunt, even if food is seated in a bowl. Cat bearing the dead mice and birds that are hunted and killed their owners as gifts.

Kittens they fear humans. 16 in the first weeks of their life cycle, it is important to socialize them and teach them to trust humans. Cats are considered off animals and have a strong instinct to escape. A dog is a loyal companion and human master, whereas the cat, the cat owns you, and not vice versa. Cats are solitary animals, but soon established a dominant position in a group that the solution to do their own thing.

Different races have different temperament. For example, a cat, Persian is more obedient than one Siamese cat. However, these events cat behaviour applies to several breeds of cats. Knowing what your cat and why it helps you understand the character and personality of your cat.

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