


Different breeds-types of cats

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Surely you must know that there are different types of cats. And the number of races can be overwhelming. However, if there is a way to categorize domesticated cats, this is based on the length and nature of their coat. Another famous categories used in the physical features and size.

Longhaired cats. They are found mostly in areas with cold climates. The long hair allows them to keep warm despite the very low temperatures surroundings. The most famous examples of cats belonging to this category are Persian cats, and cats Birman cats in Siberia. Of course, there are still many more cats have long hair and belonging in this category.

Rexed cat. They have curly hair. The bristles remain as such due to mutation in genes that happen naturally. These cats and their curly hair can be transferred from one offspring to another, but the attribute may be visible or not they hold a dominant or recessive genes.

Examples of cats have coats are Cornish rex rexed, Devon rex cat, as well as the swift.

Hairless cats. Also there are hairless. This feature separates them from other cats have coats. These cats appear bald and such a possibility is believed to also be the result of natural mutation of the species. If there is a famous hairless cat, is the Sphinx. Other hairless cats include Bambino, a Dwelf and Minskin.

Short tail. Cats are also classified according to their physical characteristics. There are short tailed comprising the American Bobtail, Manx and Cymric, a few more. This is very noticeable, because their tails are almost like building cubes and is no longer a major expansion at the ends.

Short legs. If there are small-tailed cats, there is also a group consisting of those who have small feet. The Munchkin cat is a famous short legs. The Bambino, the Lambkin also Genetta and near feet.

These animals are sometimes known as dwarf cats because of the small amount as a result of the near legs.

Cats with unusual ears. They have ears that either or folded. Their ears are sometimes asymmetric. Examples of cats who have unusual ears is the American curl and Scotland Ford.

Hypoallergenic cats. People who develop easily allergic reactions are advised to avoid pets. However, there can be no cats are acceptable for these people to have. There are also so-called hypoallergenic cats like cat Bambino, Donskoy and Peterbald, La Perm, although they can still make the person develops allergic reactions, the seriousness with which these reactions occur is smaller.

Hybrid cats. These days, due to experimentation and progress of science, hybrid cats have added to the list of the races. These cats are considered results of Cross-breeding of a species into another.

Ella Hall enjoys writing for, which sells cat bed and cat carrier, and a host of additional products.

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