


3 Indisputable reasons you need a Cat tree for your Cat

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Phone conversation, one side:

Yes Sir, I understand, of course. No, sorry, I honestly don't know how much it costs to maintain a retractable ladder. I'll take care of this time, I promise. Please tell the children really appreciate the help of firehouse. It seems that Bill dropped a few pounds since he was last here! In this nimble is really ... Yes, Sir ...Apology. Yes. Certainly. Thanks for your call. Give my wife.

Probably isn't good for you and your cat-be on a first name with the head of the local fire and the crew. To train professionals to re-train and risked their lives to serving and protecting others. Looking at the situation on the other hand, is probably more than a little sad to take everything training and hard work your cat rescue, your tree-again-a new city record 10 times in two months. Looking back on it, you might not be so hot idea to name the cat "Tarzan".

If only Tarzan would strap an ear-splitting bawl like his counterpart "movie", you will hear this: "I need a CAT TREE, Einstein!"

Cat trees. Cat Condos. Cat towers. Cat gyms. Cat furniture. Call it what you will, part living room, part game, part xystra, a claw cat tree might be a really fun and therapeutic equipment for sound on your cat's daily life. Right off the bat scratching posts for cats are safer and healthier by getting a mythical tree maple in front of every few weeks.

If you have not seen a cat tree is a tree with poles, climbing frames, with holes for clambering and undertaking, pedestals for sleeping (or start of itself across the room). Cat furniture can be simple or complex, but is designed as a place for your cat to be occupied.

Here are 3 indisputable reasons to get a cat tree for your cat.


You already know cats love to carve your couch-or at least knows this. Because almost every cat climbing tree covered with some form of carpet material, is a place for Tarzan to go when it is absolutely positively to give to that primal urge to grab something with claws and shred it. Save your furniture-and perhaps some slacks-gabardine is perhaps the best reason for a cat tree.


Three words: red wine incident. It seemed like a good idea to prominently feature a vintage bottle of red wine magnum French Claude sent. However, the curiosity of Tarzan is what it is, CRASH! Cracking the marble counter top and exploding across the room, sending rivulets red wine into beige carpet. Cat towers provides a safe outlet for a cat of the natural need to climb. Designed with a broad-based and sturdy structure, will help to keep Tarzan focused-and maple.


It is not easy to be a cat. People who constantly abject above, providing food, shelter and a loving environment gets really boring. A cat tree is just the thing for you bored feline offers hours and hours of entertainment for Tarzan to play hide-and-go seek with the teddy bear won the law a year ago.

Finally, it is a way to give you the good Graces of the local fire department. Additionally, when you finally have the courage to her grandmother's recipe for fried chicken, they will be more willing to overturn your location-in the case.

Frank "detect and repair" (Cat lover is the heart and enjoys writing about things related to cats).
You will find more information about Cat trees and other cat related topics at Tipping, check all Cat pictures and fun Cat stuff.

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