


Body language and your Cat

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Did you know that cats talk in their organization and their voices? You've probably noticed how you arch your back, the swish of the queue or roll over a cat. Most of us believe that nothing from these little moves, but just about everything a cat with his body means something. A cat expresses himself, using body language.

1. the back Arching: If two cats arch their backs, is preparing for a real fight. The ears may turn back and hair on the back stand Straight-up.

2. Swishing the tail: Totality queue move side to side, very smooth. This movement is your pet means queue alert and curious about the environment, perhaps another animal near by, maybe a dog.

3. When your cat rolls over: this is a good thing. He or she feels comfortable and relaxed. Possibly trying to get attention for love. Your cat is to inform you of your liking.

4. Whiskers: Cat whiskers and they tell you many things. When a feline is excited, tense and ready to take action, the whiskers are pointed forward and fanned. A calm and comfortable, cat's whiskers point outwards and are less spread out. This can also mean a friendly mood or disinterest. A cat will hunt prey that is the thrust forward whiskers. A cat shy, timid or reserved to gang together their whiskers and flattened on one side of the face. Flat face means whiskers cat is frightened.

5. when rubbing the legs: kitty when you do this, leaving the fragrance of your organization, is a symbol of love.

6. a fast moving queue: a queue that move side to side in very quickly, and aggressively, your cat is turbulent and angry. The hair on the tail may also stand on its end, giving a thamnwdis appearance. The more likely your feline will take an aggressive stance. If your cat does this, it is best to keep your dogs and children away from him.

7. Hearing: your Feline ears relaxed and slightly when listening. Perhaps aware of a dog near by.

8. a cat hesitation: If a cat is staring at the door, usually before and during battle. Or, before an attack on another pet or even a human.

Now that we have learned a little about the language of your House and watch your pet cat, and see if you notice any of the languages of the organization mentioned above.

A little advice, if you are a lover of cats and you're in a room with a group of friends, do not look away from the cat, I adore the Look like him. Why? When someone looks at the cats, cats feel threatened. The person who does not appear, it does not feel threatened by.

So, guess who to go towards? I staked your non-cat lover you wish there's little advice before too long.

Cats can be a very interesting, even complex PET. They are enduring, or may be the largest snobs. But regardless of what our love, pets, and would do anything for them. I know some people who have some pretty crazy body language too. Joanne Curtis editor and writer

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