


If the quantity of water my overweight Cat has nothing to do with weight?

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Your cat is overweight? Has your cat been drinking more water recently and I worry that is why they are overweight?

The unusual increase in drinking water, especially from a cat obese may indicate a chronic illness such as diabetes.

Water has zero calories, not carbohydrate and fat are not. Your cat is overweight by drinking water. Unless you are adding food contains calories in water, which is the only way your cat can become heavily from drinking water. If you add sugar to water your overweight cat, which may be the culprit. Add sugar to water your cat's obese not only make overweight but also cause more health problems.

Some cats are genetically "heavy." No matter how little food or food they eat, to reach even heavy. Your cat fat just may fall into one of these most breeds. You can certainly find out by checking with your VET or doing a quick search online.

One of the main reasons your cat could be overweight is probably because your diet with an unbalanced, processed food mostly from corn. You must switch your cat fat in a more balanced food containing real meat proteins, along with the fat, carbohydrate percentage ideal ingredient in the region. And don't forget about vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

You may also be placed on top of the nutrition your cat. Could this food/intake too much calories is not needed? If you're in the habit of leaving of food (most likely dry food) are all here today and over time, it can be overused.

They have recently changed the feeding pattern? Switch from canned or wet food to more dry food? Dry foods contain about 10% moisture content, and canned foods contain typically 70-80% humidity. If you recently added or replaced canned foods with damp, dry foods, dry foods increase probably could cause your fluff-ball to drink more free water. In this case drinking more free water would be a natural balancing receiving less moisture content of the dish.

Some cats will just eat and eat regardless of whether they are hungry or not. I staked your cat eats when he has had enough. You can reduce the intake of food by persuading the suitable dish. Try as much as possible not to put your cat in an obese non-balanced nutrition just reducing calories!

Is the constant pursuit of overweight cat? A cat that lounges and snoozes around all day long is prone to obesity. If you have recently added new game-play or if your "chunky" fluff-ball just discovered a new game-play, and exercise has increased, which is a good activity. However, this may need an additional "free" water as a result of the exercise!

The water itself will not cause weight gain. If your overweight cat is drinking too much water, it could be a sign of more serious problems. Drinking too much water can cause your cat's kidneys to fail. Other serious problems such as thyroid and diabetes could also be reasons why your cat is heavy drinking lots of water. On the other hand, consumption of more water may be the natural consequence of a change of life-style.

If you notice changes in your cat's behavior, especially his eating habit, must comply with and monitor closely. Online research. Consult a veterinarian. The veterinarian will carry out the necessary tests to check if something is wrong.

Reared with 6 cats gave me a strong education about "what can go wrong when living with such a mix of cats!

With the current pet cat is a true "fluff ball" was on our ATC name.

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